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Mantid 3.10.1 Release Notes

This is a patch release that corrects some significant issues since version 3.10.0.

There is no common theme to the fixes contained in this patch, rather it is collection of small but significant fixes. Please see below for the full list of changes.


Please cite any usage of Mantid as follows:

  • Mantid 3.10.1: Manipulation and Analysis Toolkit for Instrument Data.; Mantid Project. doi: 10.5286/Software/Mantid3.10.1
  • Arnold, O. et al. Mantid-Data Analysis and Visualization Package for Neutron Scattering and mu-SR Experiments. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 764 (2014): 156-166 doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2014.07.029 (download bibtex)

Changes in this version

  • 19988 updated the amplitude in GausOsc
  • 19995 Add support for 2d character arrays for sample name
  • 20001 Fix type conversion warning on MSVC
  • 20011 Copy units over logs

Summary of impact

Issue Impact Solution Side Effect Probability
19988 The initial amplitude in the GausOsc functionis unrealistic Change initial amplitude to a more realistic value is 0.2 low
19995 SNS DAS now writes the sample name as a 2d character Add support for 2d character arrays for sample name low
20001 Type conversion warning on MSVC Fix warning low
20011 The logs do not get their units copied over. Copy units over logs low