Processing math: 0%


Mantid 3.6.1 Release Notes

This is a patch release that corrects some significant issues since version 3.6.0.

The main changes are:

  • Multiple changes to support Poco 1.4.2-1.7.2.
  • Bugfix in LoadEventNexus v1 loading only a range of spectra.
  • Bugfix in InternetHelper to correctly set headers on post requests.


Please cite any usage of Mantid as follows:

Changes in this version

  • 15366 Fix issues building Mantid with Poco 1.6
  • 15387 Fix EQSANSLoad to work with Poco 1.6
  • 15493 Undefine poco macro with the same name
  • 15643 LoadEventNexus SpectrumMin/Max broken
  • 15685 InternetHelper incorrectly sets both Transfer-Encoding: chunked and Content-Length headers

Summary of impact

Issue Impact Solution Side Effect Probablility
15366 Poco::StringTokenizer changed implementation Create Mantid::Kernel::StringTokenizer medium
15387 EQSANSLoad returned inconsistent results Changed rounding of floats low
15493 Poco reimplemented macro Precompiler macro changes low
15643 Loading of partial event nexus broken Fix logic low
15685 Usage information not sent Set only one low