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Mantid 3.9.2 Release Notes

This is a patch release that corrects some significant issues since version 3.9.0.

There is no common theme to the fixes contained in this patch, rather it is collection of small but significant fixes. Please see below for the full list of changes.


Please cite any usage of Mantid as follows:

Changes in this version

  • 19110 Fixes bug when changing group in muon analysis.
  • 19129 New CNCS geometry.
  • 19161 Fixes bug when plotting after simultaneous fit.

Summary of impact

Issue Impact Solution Side Effect Probability
19110 Does not produce an error in Muon Analysis when fitting different groups. Mantid removes the previous group from the selection when fitting in muon analysis. low
19129 A new CNCS geometry is available. Added a CNCS geometry file low
19161 Simultaneous fitting produces correct fitted functions when plotted Changed the way parameters are reported. medium