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Setting Up and Getting Started

Installing Mantid

Mantid is available to download for Windows, Linux or Mac. Our releases are available to download from the Downloads section of the website.

On the downloads page you will be able to get the latest stable release of Mantid, which we recommend. There is also an option to download the latest nightly build, this is a more experimental version of the code. Whilst the nightly build may have more features, it is less tested and comes with much less guarantee.

You will also find detailed instructions for installing Mantid on different operating systems.

Download page

Getting Training Course Data

All of the data you need to follow this course can be downloaded from the bottom-left corner of the downloads page.

  • Download the file “”
  • Unzip this file in a location of your choice (ie. Desktop).

Manage User Directories

Manage User Directories
  • Open Mantid Workbench
  • Select “File” > “Manage User Directories”
  • Click “Browse To Directory” and navigate to the location of your data files
  • Do the same for the default save directory
  • Click “OK”

Error Reporter

You may find a bug at some stage using Mantid, and here is how to tell us about it! Please, send in your name and email otherwise we are unlikely to resolve the problem. Please give as much information as possible.

Error Reporter