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Python in Mantid: Exercise 3
- Load the processed CNCS data file Training_Exercise3a_SNS.nxs
- Directly using MPL (eg. axes.plot() ), plot the first 5 spectra
- Optionally set labels and colors for each spectrum
- Again directly in MPL, plot the final spectrum with errorbars
- Optionally, set a capsize > 0, and choose a color and label
- Rescale x-axis limits to -1.5 < x < 1.8
- Change the y-axis to have a log scale
- Give the plot a title, legend and don’t forget to show the plot
- Load the GEM data set - GEM40979.raw using SpectrumMin=431 & SpectrumMax=750
- Convert units to dSpacing
- Smooth the data using SmoothData v1 using NPoints=20
- Using plotSpectrum(), plot workspace indices 0,1,2
- Set the x-axis limits to 4 < x < 6
- Set the y-axis limits to 0 < y < 5e3
- Again using plotSpectrum(), plot workspace index 5 on the same plot window
- Change the label of the Y axis
- Give the plot a legend with labels for each curve
- Give the plot a title
- Load the file 164198.nxs
- ExtractSpectra v1 using X range 470-490 and WorkspaceIndex range 199-209. Use this region of interest for plotting.
- Produce a figure and axes for subplots with ncols=2, nrows=1, using the mantid projection and also set the figsize = (6,4)
- Produce a 2D colorfill plot, using the imshow method, on both subplots (indexed as axes[0] and axes[1])
- For both set the colormap to jet and aspect=’auto’
- Overlay contour lines on the second subplot (axes[1]), colored white and with alpha = 0.5
- Set the title to ‘Colorfill’ for axes[0] and ‘Contour’ for axes[1]
- Add a colorbar to this figure
- Set the colorbar label to ‘Counts ($mu s$)$^{-1}$’
- Get another figure and axes for subplots with ncols=2, nrows=1, using the mantid3d projection and also set figsize = (8,3)
- Add a Surface and Wireframe plot to the subplot axes respectively (indexed as axes[0] and axes[1])
- Set the colormap for the surface plot to ‘summer’ and the color for the wireframe to ‘darkmagenta’
- Set the title for each subplot as ‘Surface’ and ‘Wireframe’
- Remember to show the plots