Python in Mantid: Exercise 2
The aim of this exercise is to create a general script that can accept user interaction to alter the parameters for future uses
Perform a set of algorithms by pointing and clicking within Mantid
Use the history window to generate a script based upon the executed algorithms
Use the dialog functions to make the script more general for future runs.
Here you are going to perform a number of steps in the Mantid user interface to correct a LOQ dataset using the incident beam monitor. For more information in a specific algorithm, click on its name.
- Load v1 - Use the LOQ48097.raw file, set the OutputWorkspace to Small_Angle and set LoadMonitors to Separate.
- ConvertUnits v1 - Convert the units for the Monitor workspace to wavelength with EMode=Elastic.
- ConvertUnits v1 - Do the same for the small_angle data with EMode=Elastic.
- Rebin v1 - Rebin the monitor from 2.2 to 10 in log steps of 0.035. To achieve this, the rebin params string will be “2.2,-0.035,10.0”.
- Rebin v1 - Do the same for the small_angle data.
- ExtractSingleSpectrum v1 - Use WorkspaceIndex=1 on the Small_Angle_monitors workspace to pull out the 2nd monitor spectrum, putting the answer back into the input workspace.
- Divide v1 - Run divide with LHSWorkspace as the small_angle data workspace & RHSWorkspace as the monitor, into an OutputWorkspace called Corrected_data.
Once you have performed an analysis you can easily save it out as a script
- Right-Click on the final result workspace, then select Show History
- Click on the Script to Clipboard button
- Paste the code into the Script Editor
- Delete all the entries in the Workspace Toolbox
- Run the script to check it works!
- Extract the binning params from the first Rebin, print them using the logger, AND use them as the input for the second Rebin
- Add comments to your script to explain what it does!
- Load v1 the file 164198.nxs
- Double-click on the main data workspace 164198
- Produce a normal plot of the spectrum numbers: 50,100,200,300
- Click the generate a script button
and copy&paste the script into the script editor
- Close your beautiful plot and run the script to re-generate it!
- Load v1 - Load the file EQSANS_6071_event.nxs.
- ConvertUnits v1 - Convert the units for both the monitor and detector workspaces to wavelength
- Rebin v1 - Rebin both workspaces in wavelength from 2.5 to 5.5 in linear steps of 0.1
- SumSpectra v1 - Sum up all the detectors to give the beam profile
- Divide v1 - Normalize the rebinned and summed spectra in wavelength by the monitors
Once you have performed an analysis you can easily save it out as a script.
- Right-Click on the final result workspace normalized, then select Show History
- Click on the Script to File button and save the file somewhere useful!
- Open the script by selecting File > Open Script or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+O (or Cmd+O)
- Delete all workspaces and Run the script to check it works!
- Double-click on the normalized spectrum to plot it
- Right-click on run_monitors_lambda_rebinned and select Plot > Overplot Spectrum.
- Also, overplot with run_lambda_summed
- In the Options menu (Gear icon)
- Set the x-upper-limit to 4.5
- Set the y-scale to log
- Click Apply
- Click the generate a script button
and select Script to Clipboard
- Paste the code on the end of the script for processing the data
- Delete all workspaces and plots and run the script to reprocess and plot the data