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Overview of the workbench

Mantid Workbench is the newest user interface for Mantid and has replaced MantidPlot. The Workbench has been built from the ground up to be easier to use, more stable, support automatic testing and allow future development and changes to be completed much faster than they were in MantidPlot.

What is in Workbench?
Workbench Features
  • Main window menus Overview of the top-level menus.
  • Settings The control panel for settings in workbench.
  • Workspace Toolbox The area in which all workspaces currently loaded into Workbench can be accessed and edited from.
  • Algorithm Toolbox shows a list is all of the algorithms available to users to run on workspaces loaded into the Workspace Toolbox.
  • Workbench Script Window provides the ability to edit and execute Python scripts.
  • Messages Window Display mantid log messages and Python output.
  • Plots Toolbox A way of controlling all available plots.
  • IPython Console provides an IPython console allowing the immeidate execution of Python commands
  • Workbench Plotting The new way that plots are created and manipulated in Workbench, includes plot options and fitting.
  • Workspace data views: Display data from MatrixWorkspace / TableWorkspace and edit TableWorkspace
  • Instrument Viewer Widget: Visualize an instrument attached to a workspace
  • Sample log viewer: Display information, plots and statistics about the sample logs in a workspace
  • Workspace History Window displays the algorithms that have been applied to a workspace
  • Plotting describes how mantid workspaces have been integrated with the matplotlib framework and how to create these plots via scripts.
  • Workspace Calculator describes briefly the workspace calculator plugin.
  • Superplot: Decorator widget of the plot window that provides tools to overplot data.