Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
Instrument | Input | string | ALF | The instrument name. Allowed values: [‘ALF’, ‘ARGUS’, ‘CHRONUS’, ‘CRISP’, ‘EMU’, ‘ENGIN-X’, ‘ENGIN-X_EVENT’, ‘GEM’, ‘HET’, ‘HIFI’, ‘HRPD’, ‘IMAT’, ‘INES’, ‘INTER’, ‘IRIS’, ‘LARMOR’, ‘LET’, ‘LET_EVENT’, ‘LOQ’, ‘MAPS’, ‘MARI’, ‘MERLIN’, ‘MERLIN_EVENT’, ‘MUSR’, ‘MUT’, ‘NGEM’, ‘NIMROD’, ‘OFFSPEC’, ‘OFFSPEC_EVENT’, ‘OSIRIS’, ‘PEARL’, ‘POLARIS’, ‘POLREF’, ‘SANDALS’, ‘SANS2D’, ‘SANS2D_EVENT’, ‘SURF’, ‘SXD’, ‘TFXA’, ‘TOSCA’, ‘VESUVIO’, ‘WISH’, ‘ZOOM’] |
Cycle | Input | string | Mandatory | The cycle name, for example 19_4 |
InvestigationId | Input | string | Mandatory | ID of the selected investigation |
OutputWorkspace | Output | TableWorkspace | Mandatory | The name of the workspace to store the run details. |
This algorithm retrieves the information of the runs associated with an investigation, and saves the results to a workspace. It is similar to CatalogGetDataFiles v1 but it retrieves only one row per run (as opposed to all of the datafiles for a run) and it gets the information from journal files rather than the catalog, so it does not require a catalog login.
This algorithm is used by the search and autoprocessing functionality in the ISIS Reflectometry
Example - obtain run information for all runs in a given ISIS investigation.
runs = ISISJournalGetExperimentRuns(Instrument='GEM', InvestigationId = '1390028', Cycle='13_1')
# Verify that we have any runs in the returned workspace.
print("The number of runs in this investigation is: {}".format(len(runs)))
# Output the run number of the runs related to the given investigation.
for run in runs:
print("A run with number '{}' exists.".format(run['Run Number']))
The number of runs in this investigation is: 2
A run with number '62838' exists.
A run with number '62839' exists.
Categories: AlgorithmIndex | DataHandling