Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Input workspace |
MaterialAlreadyDefined | Input | boolean | False | Select this option if the material has already been defined |
ChemicalFormula | Input | string | Chemical formula of sample | |
CoherentXSection | Input | number | Optional | The coherent cross section of the sample in barns. It can be used instead of theChemical Formula. |
IncoherentXSection | Input | number | Optional | The incoherent cross section of the sample in barns. It can be used instead of theChemical Formula. |
AttenuationXSection | Input | number | Optional | The absorption cross section of the sample in barns. It can be used instead of theChemical Formula. |
DensityType | Input | string | Mass Density | Use of Mass density or Number density. Allowed values: [‘Mass Density’, ‘Number Density’] |
Density | Input | number | 0.1 | The value for the Mass density (g/cm^3) or Number density (1/Angstrom^3). |
NumberDensityUnit | Input | string | Atoms | Choose which units Density refers to. Allowed values: [Atoms, Formula Units]. Allowed values: [‘Atoms’, ‘Formula Units’] |
NumberOfWavelengthPoints | Input | number | 10 | Number of wavelengths for calculation |
EventsPerPoint | Input | number | 1000 | Number of neutron events |
Interpolation | Input | string | Linear | Type of interpolation. Allowed values: [‘Linear’, ‘CSpline’] |
MaxScatterPtAttempts | Input | number | 5000 | Maximum number of tries made to generate a scattering point |
BeamHeight | Input | number | 1 | Height of the beam (cm) |
BeamWidth | Input | number | 1 | Width of the beam (cm) |
Shape | Input | string | FlatPlate | Geometry of sample environment. Options are: FlatPlate, Cylinder, Annulus. Allowed values: [‘FlatPlate’, ‘Cylinder’, ‘Annulus’] |
Height | Input | number | 0 | Height of the sample environment (cm) |
Width | Input | number | 0 | Width of the FlatPlate sample environment (cm) |
Thickness | Input | number | 0 | Thickness of the FlatPlate sample environment (cm) |
Center | Input | number | 0 | Center of the FlatPlate sample environment |
Angle | Input | number | 0 | Angle of the FlatPlate sample environment with respect to the beam (degrees) |
Radius | Input | number | 0 | Radius of the Cylinder sample environment (cm) |
OuterRadius | Input | number | 0 | Outer radius of the Annulus sample environment (cm) |
InnerRadius | Input | number | 0 | Inner radius of the Annulus sample environment (cm) |
OutputWorkspace | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | The output corrected workspace. |
This algorithm is deprecated in favour of PaalmanPingsMonteCarloAbsorption.
Sets up a sample shape, along with the required material properties, and runs the MonteCarloAbsorption algorithm. This algorithm merely serves as a simpler interface to define the shape & material of the sample without having to resort to the more complex CreateSampleShape & SetSampleMaterial algorithms. The computational part is all taken care of by MonteCarloAbsorption. Please see that documentation for more details. Currently the shape geometries supported are:
qens_ws = CreateSampleWorkspace(Function="Quasielastic",
corrected = SimpleShapeMonteCarloAbsorption(InputWorkspace = qens_ws,
ChemicalFormula = 'H2-O',
DensityType = 'Mass Density',
Density = 1.0,
EventsPerPoint = 200,
BeamHeight = 3.5,
BeamWidth = 4.0,
Height = 2.0,
Shape = 'FlatPlate',
Width = 1.4,
Thickness = 2.1)
print("y-axis label: {}".format(corrected.YUnitLabel()))
y-axis label: Attenuation factor
Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Workflow\Inelastic | CorrectionFunctions\AbsorptionCorrections | Workflow\MIDAS