Table of Contents
This algorithm attempts to find all the peaks in all spectra of a workspace and subtract them from the data, leaving just the ‘background’.
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | The name of the input workspace. |
OutputWorkspace | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | The name to use for the output workspace. |
FWHM | Input | number | 7 | The number of points covered, on average, by the fwhm of a peak (default 7). Passed through to [[FindPeaks]]. |
Tolerance | Input | number | 4 | A measure of the strictness desired in meeting the condition on peak candidates, Mariscotti recommends 2 (default 4) |
PeakPositions | Input | dbl list | Optional: enter a comma-separated list of the expected X-position of the centre of the peaks. Only peaks near these positions will be fitted. | |
PeakPositionTolerance | Input | number | 0.01 | Tolerance on the found peaks’ positions against the input peak positions. Non-positive value indicates that this option is turned off. |
BackgroundType | Input | string | Linear | Type of Background. Present choices include ‘Linear’ and ‘Quadratic’. Allowed values: [‘Linear’, ‘Quadratic’] |
HighBackground | Input | boolean | True | Flag to indicate that the peaks are relatively weak comparing to background. |
WorkspaceIndex | Input | number | Optional | If set, will remove peaks only in the given spectrum of the workspace. Otherwise, all spectra will be searched. |
MaximumChisq | Input | number | 100 | The maximum chisq value for fits to remove the peak. Default 100. |
This algorithm is intended to automatically find all the peaks in a dataset and subtract them, leaving just the residual ‘background’.
The FindPeaks v1 algorithm is used to identify the peaks in the data.
Categories: AlgorithmIndex | CorrectionFunctions\PeakCorrections | Optimization\PeakFinding