Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Input workspace to be corrected, in units of TOF. |
NoOfMasses | Input | number | Mandatory | The number of masses contained within the sample |
SampleDensity | Input | number | Mandatory | The density of the sample in gm/cm^3 |
AtomicProperties | Input | dbl list | Mandatory | Atomic properties of masses within the sample. The expected format is 3 consecutive values per mass: mass(amu), cross-section (barns) & s.d of Compton profile. |
BeamRadius | Input | number | Mandatory | Radius, in cm, of beam |
Seed | Input | number | 123456789 | Seed the random number generator with this value |
NumScatters | Input | number | 3 | Number of scattering orders to calculate |
NumRuns | Input | number | 10 | Number of simulated runs per spectrum |
NumEventsPerRun | Input | number | 50000 | Number of events per run |
TotalScatteringWS | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Workspace to store the calculated total scattering counts |
MultipleScatteringWS | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Workspace to store the calculated multiple scattering counts summed for all orders |
Calculates the multiple scattering contribution for deep inelastic neutron scattering on
the Vesuvio instrument at
ISIS. The algorithm follows the procedures defined by J. Mayers et al. [1]. To improve the
speed of the calculation, OpenMP was used for the calculation of scattering contributions per
spectrum. Users are recommended to use the user properties file properties file,
, to set the parameter MultiThreaded.MaxCores
to 0 for a better utilisation of
available cores.
runs = "" # fill in run numbers here
ip_file = "" # fill in IP file here
data = LoadVesuvio(Filename=, SpectrumList=spectra,
Mode="SingleDifference", InstrumentParFile=ip_file)
# Cut it down to the typical range
data = CropWorkspace(raw_ws,XMin=50.0,XMax=562.0)
# Coarser binning
data = Rebin(raw_ws, Params=[49.5, 1.0, 562.5])
# Create sample shape
height = 0.1 # y-dir (m)
width = 0.1 # x-dir (m)
thick = 0.005 # z-dir (m)
half_height, half_width, half_thick = 0.5*height, 0.5*width, 0.5*thick
xml_str = \
" <cuboid id=\"sample-shape\"> " \
+ "<left-front-bottom-point x=\"%f\" y=\"%f\" z=\"%f\" /> " % (half_width,-half_height,half_thick) \
+ "<left-front-top-point x=\"%f\" y=\"%f\" z=\"%f\" /> " % (half_width, half_height, half_thick) \
+ "<left-back-bottom-point x=\"%f\" y=\"%f\" z=\"%f\" /> " % (half_width, -half_height, -half_thick) \
+ "<right-front-bottom-point x=\"%f\" y=\"%f\" z=\"%f\" /> " % (-half_width, -half_height, half_thick) \
+ "</cuboid>"
CreateSampleShape(data, xml_str)
atom_props = [1.007900, 0.9272392, 5.003738,
16.00000, 3.2587662E-02, 13.92299,
27.50000, 4.0172841E-02, 15.07701]
tot_scatter, ms_scatter = \
VesuvioCalculateMS(data, NoOfMasses=3, SampleDensity=241, AtomicProperties=atom_props,
[1] |
Categories: AlgorithmIndex | CorrectionFunctions\SpecialCorrections