SANS Changes¶
Algorithms and instruments¶
New EQ-SANS instrument definition file to adjust the position of the detector array accoring to log entry “detectorZ”.
New D16 instrument definition file and loader to manage SANS data.
Detector numbering is fixed for the SANS instruments D22 and D33 at the ILL.
MaskBTP now handles both old and new instrument definitions for BIOSANS and GPSANS
SANSILLReduction and SANSILLAutoProcess are improved to better handle the absolute scale normalisation.
SANSILLIntegration will now offer to produce I(Q) for separate detector components separately, which is useful for D33.
SANSILLReduction will now allow for correct absolute scale normalisation even in circumstances when, for example, there is no flux measurement for the water run configuration.
SANSILLAutoProcess now supports gamma scans for D16 at the ILL.
Data with invalid proton charge logs will now be fixed before performing slicing. A warning is emitted when this happens.
ISIS history for top level algorithms now works correctly. A user can copy the history of a workspace to their clipboard or a file and the data will be reproduced on that machine without requiring editing of the script.
ISIS SANS Interface¶
The Beam Centre Finder will now print the average error in X, Y and the number of points considered. This allows for direct comparisons of different radius limits, which previously summed the difference across different numbers of points.
The beam centre finder correctly centres HAB and LAB banks; previously it only worked for LAB.
Batch CSV files can have their columns in any order and will load into the SANS GUI correctly.
Tabbing between columns has been improved in the data GUI table. Users can now single tab between unmodified columns, or double tab for modified.
Sample periods and geometry inputs have been move to the right of the table, as part of the tabbing improvements.
A zero monitor shift did not previously account for the position of the rear detector for Zoom. A 0.0mm offset now works correctly when processing data from the SANS GUI or command interface.
The help documentation now loads correctly
Saving a CSV with sample geometry enabled, then reloading works correctly.
Hitting Shift+Enter on the top row no longer causes an error.
ORNL SANS Interface¶
A bug has been fixed where only facilities with applicable instruments can now be selected.
A bug has been fixed which was causing the interface to crash when selecting HFIR instruments.