SANS Changes¶
Algorithms and instruments¶
A new algorithm SANSILLParameterScan added, used to treat data from ILL’s D16 on omega scan mode.
SaveCanSAS1D and SaveNXCanSAS now include the batch file name in their metadata if one was used to produce the output.
In the SANSILLAutoProcess algorithm automatically produces a stitched result for I(Q) processing and several distances.
Wedges processing in SANSILLAutoProcess is now functional.
For the ILL D33 instrument, the detector panels can be processed individually (OutputPanels option, see the SANSILLAutoProcess documentation algorithm). This option is also available in the DrILL interface.
Bug Fixed¶
Applying a mask to a range of spectra after cropping to a bank could fail if there were gaps in the spectrum numbers. The masking will now skip over any spectrum numbers not in workspace and emit a warning.
The SANSILLReduction algorithm could fail if the detector was not aligned with the beam. The integration will now use another algorithm in this case.
Stitching tab for ORNL SANS is visible in the Workbench
ISIS SANS Interface¶
TOML File V0 support; The format is pinned to version 0 to allow people to get a feel for the new format. The legacy parser still exists and has not been modified.
A bug has been fixed where processing old data could fail if it involves -add files produced from 2013 or earlier.
Batch file selector now only shows CSV files and will handle loading in non-CSV data (such as mask files) gracefully.