Ab initio calculation of dynamical structure factor (S)¶
The purpose of this document is to explain the link between theoretical and experimental
During an inelastic neutron scattering experiment, a sample is exposed to neutron flux and a response is recorded in the form of dynamical structure factor,

The usual workfow for calculating phonon spectra within DFT is presented in the figure above. First, one defines an
initial guess for the structure of interest.
The initial guess should be as close as possible to an experimental structure, and is usually derived from elastic X-ray and/or neutron scattering measurements.
Then the structure parameters are locally optimised within DFT, finding the nearest structure that minimises the DFT energy.
At this point, there should be no net force on the atoms.
For this “relaxed” structure the dynamical matrix is calculated, either by finite displacements or perturbation theory.
The dynamical matrix is related to the Hessian (the second derivative of the system Hamiltonian with respect to atomic displacements) by a Fourier transform:
the eigenvectors obtained from diagonalisation of this matrix are atomic displacements
and the eigenvalues are the squared frequencies of the corresponding movements.
These vibrational modes are related to the fundamental vibrational excitations of the system;
using this displacement and frequency information one can calculate theoretical
Working equations¶

In DFT studies of solid materials, the simulation region is generally a finite unit cell with periodic boundary conditions. This models an infinite perfect crystal; in order to compare such calculations with powder experiments, orientational averaging should be considered. Usually a semi-empirical model is applied [2], [3]:
The formula above covers the first-order quantum events – specifically the transitions
Similarly, one can define the contribution for the third quantum order events (
Usually in order to reconstruct the experimental spectrum it is sufficient to include contributions up to the fourth order (
In the same way as for the second quantum order events, one can reduce the number of energy transitions by imposing the appropriate energy window and neglecting small
After evaluating the above equations one obtains the discrete
For TOSCA and TOSCA-like instruments
Moreover, in case of TOSCA and TOSCA-like instruments, the length of momentum transfer depends on frequency (indirect geometry spectrometer).
The formula for
Current implementation¶
Calculation of theoretical
Citing Abins¶
If Abins is used as part of your data analysis routines, please cite the relevant reference [5].
Category: Concepts