Mantid Workbench Changes¶
New and Improved¶
Added setting to allow user to select Floating/On Top behaviour for all the windows that are opened by workbench (plots, interfaces, etc.). For more detail see Window Behavior.

New command line options:
will print the version on mantid,--error-on-warning
will convert python warnings into exceptions. This is intended for developers so they can find deprecation warnings more easily.Calling python’s input now raises an input dialog in the script editor and the iPython shell.
Improved the performance of the table workspace display for large datasets.
Added a sample material dialog that is accessed via the context menu in the workspace widget.
A new empty facility with empty instrument is the default facility now, and user has to select their choice of facility (including ISIS) and instrument for the first time.
Added memory widget to display total memory usage. This means that your widget layout will be reset when starting workbench v6.1.0 for the first time (see Workbench Main Window for more details). Previously saved layouts accessible from
View > User Layouts
may need to be saved again to include the memory bar widget.

Add a checkbox to freeze the rotation in the instrument viewer in Full 3D mode.
In instrument view when in tube selection mode, the sum of pixel counts is now output to the selection pane.
Automatic data export in DrILL now creates a header for ASCII files, through the new property in SaveAscii.
New plot interactions: Double click a legend to hide it, double click a curve to open it in the plot config dialog.
It is now possible to overplot bin data from the matrix workspace view.
When a workspace is renamed it now updates the relevant plot labels with the new workspace name.
Added legend property commands to the plot script generator.
Plotting will accept grouped workspaces in addition to single workspaces in the list of workspaces to plot.
Display Debug and Information messages generated during workbench start up
If the facility in is empty, it is consistently reflected as empty in the GUI
First time dialog box will not appear recurrently, if user selected their choice of facility and instrument at least once and checked “Do not show again until next version”.
Workbench no longer hangs on startup when running on Big Sur.
TableWorkspace column names are now updated correctly when a table is open.
Fixed a bug applying constraints with the conjugate gradient minimizer.
Fixed a bug where running a selection of a script could cause the error reporter to appear.
Correct help links in certain interfaces.
Fixed a bug that would not let the user input the bounding box of a shape in the instrument viewer.
Fixed a bug that would cause a crash if the user right clicked on the plot in the instrument view pick tab after the stored curves were cleared.
The y-axis in the instrument view’s pick tab will now rescale if the range changes.
On the instrument view’s pick tab, when the integration range is changed the current tool will stay selected.
Remove a “failed to build unwrapped surface” warning when viewing certain instruments in the instrument viewer using the cylindrical projections
In sliceveiwer the background shell of spherical and elliptical peaks is now correctly plotted when viewing slices that do not cut through the peak center
In sliceveiwer the elliptical shell of integrated peaks is plotted correctly for varying background thicknesses.
Integrated spherical peaks are now plotted correctly in the non-orthogonal view of sliceviewer.
Prevent crash when attempting to sort invalid data when overlaying a peaks workspace in sliceviewer.
Fixed a bug which occurred when switching to a log scale in sliceviewer with negative data.
Axes limits correctly reset when home clicked on sliceviewer plot of ragged matrix workspace.
Line plots in sliceviewer now respect the status of the Track Cursor checkbox.
Cursor coordinates in sliceviewer are now correct for transposed and non-orthogonal data.
Stop sliceviewer crash when selecting the same peak after the overlaid peak workspace replaced or renamed.
The label of 1D curves in the legend of the plots is corrected to match the vertical axis bin center, if it is a BinEdgeAxis.
Fixed a scenario where workbench could hang if the user closed a plot while live data was being read.
Fixed a crash that happens when multiple plot windows are open, and the users closes one of them.
Panning on a colour fill plot no longer stretches a dataset along spectrum axis instead of panning
It is now possible to change the normalisation of an active plot after renaming the corresponding workspace.
Fixed a bug where plotting a 3D Contour plot would produce the error reporter in some cases.
Fixed a problem with scripts generated from tiled plots.
Restrict scroll wheel zooming out to +/-10^300 to avoid crash.
Exported axis tick formatter related commands to plot script.
Restore axis tick format for plots on project save and load.
Log scale normalisation of colorfill plots is now saved correctly during project save.