Muon Changes¶
Frequency Domain Analysis¶
New Features¶
New Maxent Dual Plot option has been added to the plotting. This will show the reconstructed data and the raw data together, along with the frequency domain data.

The Frequency Domain Analysis interface now allows you to perform a sequential fit using the Sequential Fitting Tab.
The Sequential Fitting Tab allows you to choose the type of dataset you want to fit.
Frequency Domain Analysis can now use groups in MuonMaxent calculations.
It is easier to select data for MuonMaxent calculations.
In Frequency Domain Analysis the phasetables calculated from MuonMaxent can be used for PhaseQuad calculations on the Phase Table tab.
Can now fit to negative frequencies in the fitting tab.
Muon Analysis¶
New Features¶
Users can now copy sequential fitting parameters to all other runs using the
Copy fit parameters to all
Muon Analysis and Frequency Domain Analysis¶
New Features¶
It is now possible to perform an Automatic or Manual background correction in the new Corrections Tab.
Changing runs with autoscale on will update the fitting plots correctly.
It is now possible to exclude a single range from a fit range when doing a fit on the Fitting Tab.
Added a
Covariance Matrix
button to the Fitting Tab that can be used to open and inspect the normalised covariance parameters of a fit.
It is now possible to do a vertical resize of the plot in Muon Analysis and Frequency Domain Analysis.
The plotting has been updated for better stability.
The plotting now has autoscale active by default.
It is now possible to load nexusV2 files in the GUI.
Added a table to store PhaseQuads in the Phase Table tab. Also, Phasequads no longer delete themselves automatically.
The labels on the tabs in the GUIs will now show in full.
When running the DynamicKobuToyabe fitting function you should now be able to see the BinWidth to 3 decimal places.
It is now possible to select the normalisation (
) and group (analysis_group
) in the Results Tab.
The fit ranges will now always allow you to encompass the entire x range of the loaded data.
The GUIs will no longer crash if there are any whitespaces in the run range (e.g. 6010- 3).
The GUIs will now cope with a range of runs that span between two different decades where the second number in the range is smaller than the final digit of the first number in the range (e.g. 6018-3 can be used for the range 6018-6023).
In the Fitting Tab the
fit to raw
checkbox can no longer be unchecked if no rebinned data is present.A bug has been fixed in the BinWidth for the DynamicKobuToyabe Fitting Function which caused a crash and did not provide any information about why the value was invalid. It will now revert to last viable BinWidth used and explain why.
The autoscale option when
is selected will now show the largest and smallest y value for all of the plots.The global parameters in a results table will no longer be given a zero error arbitrarily if one with an error exists.
The attribute values in a Chebyshev fitting function will no longer reset after performing a simultaneous fit.
Fixed a crash caused by fitting to rebinned PhaseQuad data.
When PhaseQuad data is rebinned it now divides by the fractional change in the bin size (to keep the asymmetry to about 0.3).
New Features¶
Added a period info button to the ALC interface which displays a table of period information from the loaded runs (this is equivalent to the periods button in the Muon Analysis and Frequency Domain Analysis Interfaces).

Added an external plot button to the ALC interface which will plot in workbench the current tab’s plot
If the sample log has a unit, it will now be displayed on the axis of the plot.
The plots are no longer normalised by bin width
A bug has been fixed in ALC interface that caused Mantid to crash when a user changed the PeakPicker in the PeakFitting plot.
A bug has been fixed in ALC interface where setting an invalid function would cause a crash.
Elemental Analysis¶
Updated LoadElementalAnalysisData algorithm to include Poisson errors for the counts data.
No longer crashes when the input file contains a non-existent element.
Updated LoadMuonLog to read units for most log values.
LoadMuonNexus, LoadMuonNexusV2 and LoadPSIMuonBin have all been updated to return the same outputs. Check their documentation pages for more information.
It is now possible to exclude a fit range when executing the CalculateMuonAsymmetry algorithm.
The PlotAsymmetryByLogValue algorithm will include the units for the log value (when they are available)
LoadMuonNexusV2 now loads the period information.
Fixed a bug in FitGaussianPeaks algorithm in which a peak at the end of range would cause an error due to not enough data point being available to fit parameters.