Muon Changes

Frequency Domain Analysis

New Features

  • Users can now select the unit for the frequency spectra (MHz or Gauss) in plotting, by picking either Frequency or Field respectively after a transform has been calculated.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the frequency spectra from being plotted when data was binned.

  • When plotting transformations, FFTs now have y-units of intensity and Maxents now have y-units of probability.

Muon Analysis and Frequency Domain Analysis

New Features

  • Instead of plotting the confidence interval of a fit as an error bar, it is now represented by a shaded region.



  • Changes have been made to improve the speed of Muon Analysis and Frequency Domain Analysis.

  • The Results Tab will now display a warning (red text and a tooltip) if the results table already exists.

  • The results table now produces errors for log values (when they are available).

  • The plots no longer use scientific notation for the axis values.

  • On resizing the GUI, priority is given to plotting.

  • The plot guess option in Fitting can now have its range interpolated or extrapolated.

  • The alpha values on Grouping Tab are now to six decimal places.

  • The numerical values in the run info box on the Home Tab are now rounded to either 4 significant figures or a whole number, whichever is more precise.

  • The Sequentially Fit all button is now visible for 4K displays.

  • The Results Tab will now preserve the workspace selection after a fit. However, it will reselect a fit that has been recalculated.

  • When using Browse to load data from a different instrument, a warning is now shown saying that the data has not been loaded.


  • Detaching tabs in Muon Analysis or Frequency Domain Analysis GUIs and then closing Mantid no longer causes a crash.

  • Dragging tabs in Muon Analysis or Frequency Domain Analysis GUIs no longer shows a translucent preview that does nothing.

  • Mantid no longer crashes when changing tabs in either Muon Analysis or Frequency Domain Analysis on MacOS.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the GUI working with workspace history and project recovery.

  • Undo fit now resets when the function structure changes. This prevents a bug caused by trying to revert the current function to the state of a previous one.

  • When a new fit is performed in Muon Analysis or Frequency Domain Analysis it no longer reselects all parameter workspaces in the results tab.


New Features

  • Can now read nxs_v2 files.


  • Fixed a bug that allowed decimal values for custom groupings.



Fitting Functions

New Features


  • created a new category, Magnetism, in the MuonModelling Fit Functions list.

  • Gaussian, Lorentzian and Polynomial fitting functions can now also be found under MuonModelling in the Fitting Functions Tree.

Release 6.3.0