Direct Geometry Changes


New Features

  • CorrectTOFAxis can now accept fractional bin indices for more precise calculation of the elastic peak position calibration.

  • DirectILLCollectData will now accept fractional elastic peak reference bins as well as forward fractional elastic peak indexes in the CorrectTOFAxis algorithm.

  • DirectILLApplySelfShielding now ensures that the subtracted container and self-attenuation correction workspaces have consistent binning by rebinning to the sample that will be corrected.

  • LoadPLN now supports the loading of ANSTO PELICAN data during event capture mid-experiment, as a cross check for long experiments.


  • The sign of the half-channel width in the LoadILLTOF algorithm has been changed from negative to positive to ensure the TOF axis is always positive.

  • The PyChop interface has been adjusted to ensure that the command-line version functions as described in the documentation.

  • DirectILLCollectData will now be able to load data with whitespaces in paths or file names.


New Features

  • A new Abins2D algorithm has been added for simulation of inelastic neutron scattering in direct-geometry

    • This employs the same almost-isotropic analytic powder-averaging incoherent approximation as Abins.

    • The ISIS MARI, MAPS, and MERLIN instruments are supported, alongside ILL-PANTHER and a TwoDMap ideal simulation. Please direct requests/specifications for additional instruments to Sanghamitra Mukhopadhyay and Adam Jackson.

    • The algorithm produces workspaces in (Q,ω) space, best viewed interactively in Sliceviewer, or rendered as colorfill plots.

  • DirectILLAutoProcess now performs the full data reduction treatment for ILL direct geometry instruments for an empty container, vanadium, and sample, both for single crystal and powder.

  • DirectILLCollectData has two new properties: GroupDetHorizontallyBy and GroupDetVerticallyBy which allow for averaging pixel counts between the tubes and inside them, respectively, or for flat background calculations.

  • Autoscaling has been added to the PelicanReduction algorithm to ensure that the Q range matches the energy transfer, as is default in the UI.


New Features

  • The Crystal Field Python interface has been extended to include functions to calculate the x, y, and z components of the dipole transition matrix: getXDipoleMatrixComponent(), getYDipoleMatrixComponent() and getZDipoleMatrixComponent().


New Features

  • The documentation has been improved to include more up-to-date screenshots and more information about cutting methods.

  • The programme is now available as a noarch conda package.

  • MSlice is now compatible with matplotlib 3.5.0.

  • Slice plot font sizes can now be changed using the quick options.

  • Improved the error message for empty cut plot axes.

  • Modified the default Bragg peak size for interactive cut plots.

  • Improved zooming speed for slice plots with recoil lines.

  • Improved handling of default line widths.


  • The Default Energy Unit menu is no longer empty.

  • The Show Legend check boxes now appear with the correct state.

  • Fixed colorbar crash when changing scale to logarithmic with negative vmax value and/or negative/0 vmin value.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented vmin from updating when unticking logarithmic scale.

  • Fixed a problem with ignored Bragg peaks on interactive cut plots when flipping axes.

  • Fixed a bug that caused a runtime error when changing between workspaces from same dataset.

  • Fixed an issue with re-opening line dialog for cut plots.

  • Fixed bug that caused an error when changing the scale to logarithmic for cut plots with Bragg peaks.

  • Max and min axes values will no longer take strings or empty strings instead of doubles.

  • Dialogue boxes for quick options and plot options now stay on top of the plot window.

  • Fixed a bug causing error messages when loading OSIRIS data.

  • Fixed problem with the deletion of overplotted lines.

  • Included a fix for to prevent Bragg peaks being duplicated when overplotting cut plots.

  • Fixed the scaling of Bragg peaks on plots with logarithmic scales.

Release 6.4.0