

This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::API::ExperimentInfo.

class mantid.api.ExperimentInfo
componentInfo((ExperimentInfo)self) ComponentInfo :

Return a const reference to the ComponentInfo object.

detectorInfo((ExperimentInfo)self) DetectorInfo :

Return a const reference to the DetectorInfo object.

getEFixed((ExperimentInfo)self, (int)detId) float
getEMode((ExperimentInfo)self) DeltaEModeType :

Returns the energy mode.

getInstrument((ExperimentInfo)self) Instrument :

Returns the Instrument for this run.

static getInstrumentFilename((str)instrument[, (str)date='']) str :

Returns IDF filename

static getResourceFilenames((str)prefix, (list)fileFormats, (list)directoryNames, (str)date) list :

Compile a list of files in compliance with name pattern-matching, file format, and date-stamp constraints

Ideally, the valid-from and valid-to of any valid file should encapsulate the argument date. If this is not possible, then the file with the most recent valid-from stamp is selected

prefix: the name of a valid file must begin with this pattern fileFormats: list of valid file extensions directoryNames: list of directories to be searched date : the ‘valid-from’ and ‘valid-to ‘dates of a valid file will encapsulate this date (e.g ‘1900-01-31 23:59:00’)

returns : list of absolute paths for each valid file

getRunNumber((ExperimentInfo)self) int :

Returns the run identifier for this run.

mutableRun((ExperimentInfo)self) Run :

Return a modifiable Run object.

mutableSample((ExperimentInfo)self) Sample :

Return a modifiable Sample object.

run((ExperimentInfo)self) Run :

Return the Run object. This cannot be modified, use mutableRun to modify.

sample((ExperimentInfo)self) Sample :

Return the Sample object. This cannot be modified, use mutableSample to modify.

setEFixed((ExperimentInfo)self, (int)detId, (float)value) None
setRun((ExperimentInfo)self, (Run)run) None
setSample((ExperimentInfo)self, (Sample)sample) None
spectrumInfo((ExperimentInfo)self) SpectrumInfo :

Return a const reference to the SpectrumInfo object.