

This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::Kernel::IntPropertyWithValue.

bases: mantid.kernel.Property

class mantid.kernel.IntPropertyWithValue
EMPTY_DBL = 8.988465674311579e+307
EMPTY_INT = 2147483647
EMPTY_LONG = 2147483647
property allowedValues

A list of allowed values

property direction

Input, Output, InOut or Unknown. See the Direction class

property documentation

The property’s doc string

dtype((IntPropertyWithValue)self) str
getAutoTrim((Property)arg1) bool :

Gets the setting of automatic trimming of whitespaces.

property getDefault

Get the default value as a string

property getGroup

Return the ‘group’ of the property, that is, the header in the algorithm’s list of properties.

property isDefault

Is the property set at the default value

property isValid

An empty string if the property is valid, otherwise it contains an error message.

property name

The name of the property

setAutoTrim((Property)arg1, (bool)setting) None :

Setting automatic trimming of whitespaces.

setDocumentation((Property)arg1, (str)doc) None :

Setting documentation for property

property settings

Return the object managing this property’s settings

property type

Returns a string identifier for the type

property units

The units attached to this property

property unitsAsBytes

The units attached to this property as a encoded bytes object. It is assumed the caller knows the correct endcoding used.

property value
valueAsPrettyStr((Property)arg1[, (int)maxLength=0[, (bool)collapseLists=True]]) str :

The value of the property as a formatted string. If maxLength is defined then the output may not contain the full contents of the property. The maxLength and collapseLists arguments do not work for all property types

property valueAsStr

The value of the property as a string. For some property types, e.g. Workspaces, it is useful to be able to refer to the string value directly