This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::API::FileFinderImpl.
- class mantid.api.FileFinderImpl¶
- static Instance() FileFinderImpl : ¶
Returns a reference to the FileFinder singleton instance
- findRuns((FileFinderImpl)self, (str)hintstr[, (list)exts_list=[][, (bool)useExtsOnly=False]]) std_vector_str : ¶
Find a list of files file given a hint. The hint can be a comma separated list of run numbers and can also include ranges of runs, e.g. 123-135 or equivalently 123-35If no instrument prefix is given then the current default is used.exts_list is an optional list containing strings of file extensions to search.useExtsOnly is an optional bool. If it’s true then don’t use facility exts.
- getCaseSensitive((FileFinderImpl)self) bool : ¶
Option to get if file finder should be case sensitive.
- getFullPath((FileFinderImpl)self, (str)path[, (bool)ignoreDirs=False]) str : ¶
Return a full path to the given file if it can be found within datasearch.directories paths. Directories can be ignored with ignoreDirs=True. An empty string is returned otherwise.
- setCaseSensitive((FileFinderImpl)self, (bool)cs) None : ¶
Option to set if file finder should be case sensitive.