

This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::API::FrameworkManagerImpl.

class mantid.api.FrameworkManagerImpl
static Instance() FrameworkManagerImpl :

Return a reference to the singleton instance

clear((FrameworkManagerImpl)self) None :

Clear all memory held by Mantid

clearAlgorithms((FrameworkManagerImpl)self) None :

Clear memory held by algorithms (does not include workspaces)

clearData((FrameworkManagerImpl)self) None :

Clear memory held by the data service (essentially all workspaces, including hidden)

clearInstruments((FrameworkManagerImpl)self) None :

Clear memory held by the cached instruments

clearPropertyManagers((FrameworkManagerImpl)self) None :

Clear memory held by the PropertyManagerDataService

getNumOMPThreads((FrameworkManagerImpl)self) int :

Returns the number of OpenMP threads that will be used.

static hasInstance() bool :

Returns True if Instance has been called, false otherwise

setNumOMPThreads((FrameworkManagerImpl)self, (int)nthread) None :

Set the number of OpenMP threads to the given value

setNumOMPThreadsToConfigValue((FrameworkManagerImpl)self) None :

Sets the number of OpenMP threads to the value specified in the config file

shutdown((FrameworkManagerImpl)self) None :

Effectively shutdown this service