
Splitters Workspace

SplittersWorkspaces stores a vector of SplittingIntervals. It inherits from TableWorkspace.

A SplittersWorkspace object has 3 columns, start with type as int64, stop with type as int64 and workspacegroup as int. Column start is to record the starting absolute time of a Splitting Interval. Column stop is to record the stopping absolute time of a Splitting Interval. Both starting and stopping time must be in nanoseconds and be relative to GPS epoch Column workspacegroup is to record the index of a workspace which will get the events that fall into the time interval defined by start and stop.

Splitting Interval

SplittingInterval is a class to store and process the event splitting information. It stores and returns the starting and stopping time of a time-splitter as well as an ‘index’. The ‘index’ (0-based) denotes which workspace will get the events that fall into the [start,stop) time interval. An ‘index’ of -1 means that events in a given time interval will be “unfiltered”.

class mantid.api.ISplittersWorkspace
getNumberSplitters((ISplittersWorkspace)self) int :

Returns the number of splitters within the workspace