This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::DataObjects::EventList.
bases: mantid.api.IEventList
- class mantid.dataobjects.EventList¶
- addDetectorID((ISpectrum)self, (int)det_id) None : ¶
Add a detector ID to this spectrum
- addEventQuickly((EventList)self, (float)tof, (DateAndTime)pulsetime) None : ¶
Create TofEvent and add to EventList.
- addPulsetime((IEventList)self, (float)seconds) None : ¶
Add an offset to the pulsetime (wall-clock time) of each event in the list.
- addPulsetimes((IEventList)self, (object)seconds) None : ¶
Add offsets to the pulsetime (wall-clock time) of each event in the list.
- addTof((IEventList)self, (float)offset) None : ¶
Add an offset to the TOF of each event in the list.
- addWeightedEventQuickly((EventList)self, (float)tof, (float)weight, (float)errorsquare, (DateAndTime)pulsetime) None : ¶
Create weighted TofEvent and add to eventlist
- clear((IEventList)self, (bool)removeDetIDs) None : ¶
Clears the event list
- clearDetectorIDs((ISpectrum)self) None : ¶
Clear the set of detector IDs
- convertTof((IEventList)self, (float)factor, (float)offset) None : ¶
Convert the time of flight by tof’=tof*factor+offset
- divide((IEventList)self, (float)value, (float)error) None : ¶
Divide the weights in this event list by a scalar with an (optional) error.
- getDetectorIDs((ISpectrum)self) std_set_int : ¶
Returns a list of detector IDs for this spectrum
- getEventType((IEventList)self) EventType : ¶
Return the type of events stored.
- getMemorySize((IEventList)self) int : ¶
Returns the memory size in bytes
- getNumberEvents((IEventList)self) int : ¶
Returns the number of events within the list
- getPulseTimeMax((IEventList)self) DateAndTime : ¶
The maximum pulse time for the list of the events.
- getPulseTimeMin((IEventList)self) DateAndTime : ¶
The minimum pulse time for the list of the events.
- getPulseTimes((IEventList)self) std_vector_dateandtime : ¶
Get a vector of the pulse times of the events
- getPulseTimesAsNumpy((IEventList)arg1) numpy.ndarray : ¶
Get a vector of the pulse times of the events
- getSpectrumNo((ISpectrum)self) int : ¶
Returns the spectrum number of this spectrum
- getTofMax((IEventList)self) float : ¶
The maximum tof value for the list of the events.
- getTofMin((IEventList)self) float : ¶
The minimum tof value for the list of the events.
- getTofs((IEventList)self) numpy.ndarray : ¶
Get a vector of the TOFs of the events
- getWeightErrors((IEventList)self) numpy.ndarray : ¶
Get a vector of the weights of the events
- getWeights((IEventList)self) numpy.ndarray : ¶
Get a vector of the weights of the events
- hasDetectorID((ISpectrum)self, (int)det_id) bool : ¶
Returns True if the spectrum contain the given spectrum number
- hasDx((ISpectrum)self) bool : ¶
Returns True if the spectrum uses the DX (X Error) array, else False.
- integrate((IEventList)self, (float)minX, (float)maxX, (bool)entireRange) float : ¶
Integrate the events between a range of X values, or all events.
- isSortedByTof((IEventList)self) bool : ¶
Returns true if the list is sorted in TOF
- maskCondition((IEventList)self, (object)mask) None : ¶
Mask out events by the condition vector
- maskTof((IEventList)self, (float)tofMin, (float)tofMax) None : ¶
Mask out events that have a tof between tofMin and tofMax (inclusively)
- multiply((IEventList)self, (float)value, (float)error) None : ¶
Multiply the weights in this event list by a scalar variable with an error; though the error can be 0.0
- scaleTof((IEventList)self, (float)factor) None : ¶
Convert the tof units by scaling by a multiplier.
- setDetectorID((ISpectrum)self, (int)det_id) None : ¶
Set the given ID has the only
- setSpectrumNo((ISpectrum)self, (int)num) None : ¶
Set the spectrum number for this spectrum
- switchTo((IEventList)self, (EventType)newType) None : ¶
Switch the event type to the one specified