This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::Kernel::FacilityInfo.
- class mantid.kernel.FacilityInfo¶
- archiveSearch((FacilityInfo)self) std_vector_str : ¶
Return the archive search interface names
- delimiter((FacilityInfo)self) str : ¶
Returns the delimiter between the instrument name and the run number.
- extensions((FacilityInfo)self) std_vector_str : ¶
Returns the list of file extensions that are considered as instrument data files.
- instrument((FacilityInfo)self, (str)instrumentName) InstrumentInfo : ¶
Returns the instrument with the given name
- instruments((FacilityInfo)self) std_vector_InstrumentInfo : ¶
Returns a list of instruments of this facility as defined in the Facilities.xml file
- instruments( (FacilityInfo)self, (str)technique) -> std_vector_InstrumentInfo :
Returns a list of instruments of given technique
- name((FacilityInfo)self) str : ¶
Returns name of the facility as definined in the Facilities.xml file
- preferredExtension((FacilityInfo)self) str : ¶
Returns the extension that is preferred for this facility
- timezone((FacilityInfo)self) str : ¶
Returns the timezone appropriate for the facility. If there is not a timezone specified this returns an empty string.
- zeroPadding((FacilityInfo)self) int : ¶
Returns default zero padding for this facility