This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::Kernel::Quat.
- class mantid.kernel.Quat¶
Quaternions are the 3D generalization of complex numbers. Quaternions are used for roations in 3D spaces and often implemented for computer graphics applications.
- getEulerAngles((Quat)self[, (str)convention='YZX']) std_vector_dbl : ¶
Default convention is ‘YZX’.
- imagI((Quat)self) float : ¶
Returns the ith imaginary component
- imagJ((Quat)self) float : ¶
Returns the jth imaginary component
- imagK((Quat)self) float : ¶
Returns the kth imaginary component
- len((Quat)self) float : ¶
Returns the ‘length’ of the quaternion
- len2((Quat)self) float : ¶
Returns the square of the ‘length’ of the quaternion
- rotate((Quat)self, (V3D)v) None : ¶
Rotate the quaternion by the given vector