
Mantid Workbench Changes

New Features

  • Updated the definition of VULCAN for six panels as of 2022-05-15

  • Added a link to the mantid-help email to the Help menu.

  • A crosshair toggle option has been added in mantidplots

  • The setting widget no longer immediately writes to file upon changing a setting. Instead click ‘Okay’ or ‘Apply’ to save the changes.

  • Updated compiler on macOS from version 16 to version 18, which should result in performance improvements. See https://releases.llvm.org for release notes.


  • Fixed the reported name of the operating system for macOS users when an error report is generated.


New features



New features


  • Fixed a bug in the :ref:sliceviewer which was not showing data with correct ranges when doing a Transpose in non-orthogonal view.

  • Fixed a bug where the workspace normalization is not preserved when one has more than two dimensions and one uses the slider to change the slice point.

Release 6.12.0