
Workspace Validators

As with the basic types (int, float, etc.) there are some special validators for checking input workspaces.

Those currently available are:

  • WorkspaceUnitValidator - Checks that the workspace unit matches a given value. Code to create: WorkspaceUnitValidator("UnitName")

  • HistogramValidator - Checks if the workspace is a histogram. Code to create: HistogramValidator(True/False)

  • CommonBinsValidator - Checks that if bins in the first and last spectrum are the same, i.e. a tentative check that the workspace’s spectra have common bins. Code to create: CommonBinsValidator()

  • RawCountValidator - Checks if the workspace contains raw counts. Code to create: RawCountsValidator(True/False)

  • InstrumentValidator - Checks if the input workspace has a defined instrument. Code to create: InstrumentValidator()

To use a specific one pass the created validator as the validator argument of the declareProperty function, e.g.

def PyInit(self):
    # Requires the input workspace to have x-axis units of Wavelength