ISIS SANS Reduction Back-end

What is calculated in a SANS reduction?

This section gives a summary of what is calculated during the ISIS SANS reduction without going into implementation details. This is done in some sections below.

The starting point is equation 5 in the article by Richard Heenan et al, J. Appl. Cryst. (1997), pages 1140-1147. The coherent macroscopic cross-section is calculated at ISIS using :

\frac{\partial \Sigma}{\partial \Omega} (Q) = \frac{Scale}{V_{SAM}} \frac{\sum_{R,\lambda \subset Q}C(R,\lambda)}{\sum_{R,\lambda \subset Q}M(\lambda)T(\lambda)D(\lambda)F(R)\Omega (R) Cor(R,\lambda)}

This equation is aiming to do the best job at returning from the measured SANS data the quantity of interest, the cross-section, \frac{\partial \Sigma}{\partial \Omega}, which is an absolute scattering probability, in units of cm_{-1}. The Scale factor in the equation above fine tunes the cross-section to give the correct value (usually based on a fit to scattering from a standard polymer sample). The value of Scale varies with the instrument set up, and with how the units and normalisation for the other terms are chosen. C(R,\lambda) are the observed counts at radius vector R from the diffractometer axis and wavelength \lambda. V_{SAM} is the volume of the sample. M(\lambda) is an incident monitor spectrum. D(\lambda) contains the relative efficiency of the main detector compared to the incident monitor. D(\lambda) is initially determined experimentally, but later subjected to empirical adjustments. In reality the detector efficiencies implied in D(\lambda) are also pixel dependent. This variation is in part accounted for by F(R), which is called the flat cell or flood source calibration file. F(R) is also determined experimentally, and aims to contain information about the relative efficiency of individual detector pixels. It is normalised to values close to 1 in order not to change the overall scaling of the equation. The experimental flood source data are divided by detector pixel solid angles at their measurement set up to give F(R). Detector pixel solid angles are calculated for the instrument geometry at the time of the SANS experiment. Cor(R,\lambda) optionally takes into account any corrections that cannot be described as only pixel dependent or only wavelength dependent. One such example is for the angle dependence of transmissions, SANSWideAngleCorrection. T(\lambda) is the transmission, which measures the ratio of neutron counts after the sample, divided by the neutron counts before the sample. T(\lambda) is calculated from a “transmission run” and a “direct run”. There are at least three ways to measure transmission: using a monitor that drops in after the sample position, a monitor on the main beam stop or by attenuating the beam, removing the beam stop, and using the main detector itself. In all cases counts on the “transmission detector” with a sample in the beam are divided by those for an empty (or “direct”) beam. In order to allow for different exposures or changes in moderator spectrum, each transmission spectrum is also first normalised to an incident beam monitor spectrum. The sample transmission and direct beam transmissions must of course be acquired with the same beam line set up, and ideally around the same time in case of any electronic or performance drift.

Also, note that a SANS experiment frequently involves measurements of the sample (Sample) material of interest contained inside a can (Can) or dissolved in a solvent inside a cell. Separate SANS and transmission measurements must be made for the can or for the pure solvent in a cell. For convenience this is always referred to as the Can run. (Though for say a solid sample with no can, the Can run may actually be simply an empty beam run.) The full data reduction is performed separately for Sample and then the Can, before subtracting the Can cross-section from the Sample plus Can cross-section, to obtain the cross-section for the Sample alone. (In practise there can be some excluded volume and other annoying effects where hydrogenous solvents are involved.)


Introduction and Motivation

The ISIS SANS v2 reduction back-end is a more modern and updated version of the original ISIS SANS reduction back-end which has been in use for almost 10 years.

Users who sets up a SANS reduction work-flow have control over a vast number of settings (>50) in addition to settings which are extracted from the provided workspaces and instrument specific settings. The total number of settings which define a SANS data reduction can be close to 100.

The previous implementation of the SANS data reduction stored the settings non-centrally and allowed the overall state to be mutable. This made it extremely hard to reason about the overall state of a data reduction and lead to unnecessary data reloads, degrading the overall performance. Also, the direct coupling of the state to the algorithms does not allow for extending them to other facilities.

The new implementation of the SANS data reduction aims to avoid these pitfalls and focusses on robustness, maintainability and performance. The main way to achieve this is to use a simple state object which stores the reduction-relevant information centrally.


The reduction back-end consists of three components:

  • the SANSState approach to centrally store the state of the reduction
  • a set of work-flow algorithms which perform the individual reduction steps
  • algorithms which orchestrate the work-flow algorithms.



As mentioned above, the amount of parameters that can be set by the user makes the SANS reduction one of the more complex ones in the Mantid ecosystem. Previous implementations stored the settings non-centrally which led to many difficult-to-find bugs and a lot of uncertainty about the current settings of the reduction as they were changed during the reduction.

This has been the main bottleneck of the previous reduction framework. To overcome this, the new implementation of the SANS data reduction uses a simple state object which stores the reduction-relevant information centrally. This SANSState approach is the corner stone of the new design.

The SANSState is:

  • self-validating

  • immutable (currently this is not enforced on the object itself, but should be added in the future.

    The reduction code is written however such that it does not make sense to mutate the state while a reduction is running.)

  • typed

  • serializable

  • easy to reason about

  • modular (sub-states for units of work)

This approach allows us to identify issues with the settings before a lengthy data reduction has been started.


This section describes the essential components of the state mechanism. These include the states themselves, the parameters in a state and the state construction.

The module contains the essential ingredients for defining a state object. These are the StateBase class which allows for serialization and a set of TypedParameter.

The StateBase‘s property_manager property is responsible for serialization. Due to the nature of the PropertyManagerProperty of algorithms it serializes the state object to a Python dictionary and receives a Mantid PropertyManager object. This asymmetry is unfortunate, but mirrors the asymmetry of the algorithm inputs.

States which want to fulfill the StateBase contract must override the validate method. This method is used to ensure internal consistency of the TypedParameters on the state. It is important to have comprehensive and tight checks here.

The entries on the state objects are all descriptors of type TypedParameter which allows for type checking, ensuring consistency early on. It is easy to build custom types. The current list of types are:

  • StringParameter
  • BoolParameter
  • FloatParameter
  • PositiveFloatParameter
  • PositiveIntegerParameter
  • DictParameter
  • ClassTypeParameter
  • FloatWithNoneParameter
  • StringWithNoneParameter
  • PositiveFloatWithNoneParameter
  • FloatListParameter
  • StringListParameter
  • PositiveIntegerListParameter
  • ClassTypeListParameter

Most of the typed parameters are self-descriptive. The ClassTypeParameter refers to the enum-like class definitions in Note that if a parameter is not set by the state builder, then it will return None when it is queried. If it is a mandatory parameter on a state object, then this needs to be enforced in the validate method of the state.

Individual states

The overall state object is made of sub-state objects which carry all required information for a single reduction step or other unit of work. This ensures that all the sub-states are independent of each other carry all required information. Note that this also means that some data is stored redundantly, for example the binning for the wavelength conversion is stored in the state object used for monitor normalization and in the state object for the transmission calculation.

In the following sections we list the different parameters on the currently implemented states.

The State class is the overarching state which contains sub-states where each sub-state has a different responsibility (see below).

Name Comment State type
data info about runs to use (most important state) StateData
move info about the instrument component positions StateMove
reduction general reduction info StateReductionMode
slice info about event slicing (when applicable) StateSliceEvent
mask info about masking StateMask
wavelength info about wavelength conversion of the scatter data StateWavelength
save info about the save settings StateSave
scale info about the absolute scale and the sample volume StateScale
adjustment info about adjustment workspaces StateAdjustment
convert_to_q info about momentum transfer conversion StateConvertToQ
compatibility used when reducing in compatibility mode StateCompatibility

This is the most important state. Since the reduction framework has a data-driven approach it is not possible to build up most of the reduction without knowing what the actual data for the reduction will be.

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated?
sample_scatter The sample scatter file path StringParameter N N
sample_scatter_period The period to use for the sample scatter PositiveIntegerParameter Y N
sample_transmission The sample transmission file path StringParameter Y N
sample_transmission_period The period to use for the sample transmission PositiveIntegerParameter Y N
sample_direct The sample direct file path StringParameter Y N
sample_direct_period The period to use for the sample direct PositiveIntegerParameter Y N
can_scatter The can scatter file path StringParameter Y N
can_scatter_period The period to use for the can scatter PositiveIntegerParameter Y N
can_transmission The can transmission file path StringParameter Y N
can_transmission_period The period to use for the can transmission PositiveIntegerParameter Y N
can_direct The can direct file path StringParameter Y N
can_direct_period The period to use for the can direct PositiveIntegerParameter Y N
calibration The path to the calibration file StringParameter Y N
sample_scatter_run_number Run number of the sample scatter file PositiveIntegerParameter
sample_scatter_is_multi_period If the sample scatter is multi-period BoolParameter
instrument Enum for the SANS instrument ClassTypeParameter(SANSInstrument)
idf_file_path Path to the IDF file StringParameter
ipf_file_path Path to the IPF file StringParameter

Note that while some parameters are optional they might become mandatory if other optional parameters have been specified. Also note that some of the parameters on the state are auto-generated by the builder classes.

The move state defines how instruments are moved. This is highly individual to the different instruments. Therefore there is most likely going to be one state per instrument, sometimes even more when there should be different behaviour for different run numbers.

The fundamental class is StateMove which has the following parameters:

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated? Default value
FloatParameter Y N 0.0
FloatParameter Y N 0.0
FloatParameter Y N 0.0
FloatParameter Y N 0.0
FloatParameter Y N 0.0
FloatParameter Y N 0.0
FloatParameter Y N 0.0
FloatParameter Y N 0.0
FloatParameter Y N 0.0
FloatParameter Y N 0.0
FloatParameter Y N 0.0

If nothing is specified, then the detector positions and movements are assumed to be 0. Note that each instrument contains additional parameters on their individual state classes. When adding a new instrument, this will be most likely one of the main areas to add new code.

The StateReductionMode class contains general settings about the reduction, e.g. if we are dealing with a merged reduction. It contains the following parameters:

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated? Default value
reduction_mode The type of reduction, i.e. LAB, HAB, merged or both ClassTypeParameter(ReductionMode) N N ISISReductionMode.LAB enum value
reduction_dimensionality If 1D or 2D reduction ClassTypeParameter(ReductionDimensionality) N N ReductionDimensionality.OneDim enum value
merge_fit_mode The fit mode for merging ClassTypeParameter(FitModeForMerge) Y N FitModeForMerge.NoFit enum value
merge_shift The shift value for merging FloatParameter Y N 0.0
merge_scale The scale value for merging FloatParameter Y N 1.0
merge_range_min The min q value for merging FloatWithNoneParameter Y N None
merge_range_max The max q value for merging FloatWithNoneParameter Y N None
detector_names A dict from detector type to detector name DictParameter N Y

The StateSliceEvent class is only relevant when we are dealing with event-type data and the user decides to perform an event-sliced reduction, i.e. one reduction per event slice.

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated?
start_time A list of start times for event slices FloatListParameter Y N
end_time A list of stop times for event slices FloatListParameter Y N

Note that the validation ensures that the number of start_time and end_time entries is matched and that the end time is larger than the start time.

The StateMask class holds information regarding time and pixel masking. It also contains two sub-states which contain detector-specific masking information. The StateMask contains the following parameters:

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated?
radius_min The min radius of a circular mask on the detector FloatParameter Y N
radius_max The max radius of a circular mask on the detector FloatParameter Y N
bin_mask_general_start A list of start times for general bin masks FloatListParameter Y N
bin_mask_general_stop A list of stop times for general bin masks FloatListParameter Y N
mask_files A list of mask files StringListParameter Y N
phi_min The min angle of an angle mask FloatParameter Y N
phi_max The max angle of an angle mask FloatParameter Y N
use_mask_phi_mirror If the mirror slice should be used BoolParameter Y N
beam_stop_arm_width The width of the beam stop arm PositiveFloatParameter Y N
beam_stop_arm_angle The angle of the beam stop arm FloatParameter Y N
beam_stop_arm_pos1 The x position of the beam stop arm FloatParameter Y N
beam_stop_arm_pos2 The y position of the beam stop arm FloatParameter Y N
clear currently not used BoolParameter Y N
clear_time currently not used BoolParameter Y N
detector A dict of detector type to StateMaskDetector sub-states DictParameter N Y
idf_path The path to the IDF StringParameter N Y

Validation is applied to some of the entries.

The detector-specific settings are stored in the StateMaskDetector which contains the following parameters:

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated?
PositiveIntegerListParameter Y N
PositiveIntegerListParameter Y N
PositiveIntegerListParameter Y N
PositiveIntegerListParameter Y N
PositiveIntegerListParameter Y N
PositiveIntegerListParameter Y N
PositiveIntegerListParameter Y N
PositiveIntegerListParameter Y N
PositiveIntegerListParameter Y N
PositiveIntegerListParameter Y N
PositiveIntegerListParameter Y N
PositiveIntegerListParameter Y N
FloatListParameter Y N
FloatListParameter Y N
StringParameter Y N
StringParameter Y N
PositiveIntegerListParameter Y N
PositiveIntegerListParameter Y N
PositiveIntegerListParameter Y N

Again the detector-specific settings contain multiple validation steps on the state.

The StateWavelength class contains the information required to perform the conversion of the scatter data from time-of-flight to wavelength units. The parameters are:

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated?
rebin_type The type of rebinning ClassTypeParameter(RebinType) N N
wavelength_low The lower wavelength boundary PositiveFloatParameter N N
wavelength_high The upper wavelength boundary PositiveFloatParameter N N
wavelength_step The wavelength step PositiveFloatParameter N N
wavelength_step_type This is either linear or logarithmic ClassTypeParameter(RangeStepType) N N

The validation ensures that all entries are specified and that the lower wavelength boundary is smaller than the upper wavelength boundary.

The StateSave class does not hold information which is directly related to the reduction but contains the required information about saving the reduced data. The relevant parameters are:

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated? Default
zero_free_correction If zero error correction (inflation) should happen BoolParameter Y N True
file_format A list of file formats to save into ClassTypeListParameter(SaveType) Y N
user_specified_output_name A custom user-specified name for the saved file StringWithNoneParameter Y N
user_specified_output_name_suffix A custom user-specified suffix for the saved file StringParameter Y N
use_reduction_mode_as_suffix If the reduction mode should be used as a suffix BoolParameter Y N

The StateScale class contains the information which is required for the absolute value scaling and the volume information. The parameters are:

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated?
shape The user-specified shape of the sample ClassTypeParameter(SampleShape) N Y
thickness The user-specified sample thickness PositiveFloatParameter N Y
width The user-specified sample width PositiveFloatParameter N Y
height The user-specified sample height PositiveFloatParameter N Y
scale The user-specified absolute scale PositiveFloatParameter N Y
shape_from_file The file-extracted shape of the sample ClassTypeParameter(SampleShape) N Y
thickness_from_file The file-extracted sample thickness PositiveFloatParameter N Y
width_from_file The file-extracted sample width PositiveFloatParameter N Y
height_from_file The file-extracted sample height PositiveFloatParameter N Y

Adjustment workspaces are generated to be consumed in the momentum transfer conversion step. There are three types of adjustments

  • Pure wavelength adjustments, i.e. adjustments which only affect the bins.
  • Pure pixel adjustments, i.e. adjustments which only affect the spectra
  • Pixel-and-wavelength adjustments, i.e. adjustments which affect both the bins and spectra

The StateAdjustment class is a composite state which is made of information relating to the different types of adjustments

The parameters are:

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated? Default
calculate_transmission Information for the transmission calculation TypedParameter(StateCalculateTransmission) N N
normalize_to_monitor Information for the monitor normalization TypedParameter(StateNormalizeToMonitor) N N
wavelength_and_pixel_adjustment Information for combining different adjustments TypedParameter(StateWavelengthAndPixelAdjustment) N N
wide_angle_correction If wide angle calculation should be performed. Note that this will produce the pixel-and-wavelength adjustment BoolParameter Y N False

The transmission calculation state:

The transmission calculation produces one of the wavelength adjustment workspaces. This reduction step is one of the more complicated bits of the reduction and hence has a large variety of settings. The StateCalculateTransmission class contains the following parameters:

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated? Default
transmission_radius_on_detector A radius around the beam centre for transmission ROI on the bank PositiveFloatParameter Y N
transmission_roi_files A list of ROI files for transmission ROI on the bank StringListParameter Y N
transmission_mask_files A list of mask files for transmission ROI on the bank StringListParameter Y N
default_transmission_monitor The default transmission monitor (if nothing else has been specified) PositiveIntegerParameter N Y
transmission_monitor The relevant transmission monitor (if no ROI is being used) PositiveIntegerParameter Y N
default_incident_monitor The default incident monitor (if nothing else has been specified) PositiveIntegerParameter N Y
incident_monitor The incident monitor PositiveIntegerParameter Y N
prompt_peak_correction_min The start time of a prompt peak correction PositiveFloatParameter Y N
prompt_peak_correction_max The stop time of a prompt peak correction PositiveFloatParameter Y N
prompt_peak_correction_enabled If the prompt peak correction should occur BoolParameter Y N True
rebin_type The type of wavelength rebinning, i.e. standard or interpolating ClassTypeParameter(RebinType) Y N
wavelength_low The lower wavelength boundary PositiveFloatParameter Y N
wavelength_high The upper wavelength boundary PositiveFloatParameter Y N
wavelength_step The wavelength step PositiveFloatParameter Y N
wavelength_step_type The wavelength step type, i.e. lin or log ClassTypeParameter(RebinType) Y N
use_full_wavelength_range If the full wavelength range of the instrument should be used BoolParameter Y N
wavelength_full_range_low The lower wavelength boundary of the full wavelength range PositiveFloatParameter Y N
wavelength_full_range_high The upper wavelength boundary of the full wavelength range PositiveFloatParameter Y N
background_TOF_general_start General lower boundary for background correction FloatParameter Y N
background_TOF_general_stop General upper boundary for background correction FloatParameter Y N
background_TOF_monitor_start Monitor specific lower boundary for background correction (monitor vs. start value) DictParameter Y N
background_TOF_monitor_stop Monitor specific upper boundary for background correction (monitor vs. stop value) DictParameter Y N
background_TOF_roi_start Lower bound of background correction when using ROI on detector FloatParameter Y N
background_TOF_roi_stop Upper bound of background correction when using ROI on detector FloatParameter Y N
fit A dict for each data type (sample and can) to the state of fit settings (StateTransmissionFit) DictParameter Y N

Note that the transmission information can be either collected via a monitor or via a region on the detector. In the former case transmission_monitor is the relevant parameter whereas in the latter case it is transmission_radius_on_detector, transmission_roi_files and transmission_mask_files. Also note that we have instrument specific versions of these state classes, mainly to accommodate for the different wavelength ranges (and potentially default prompt peak settings.)

The above mentioned StateTransmissionFit class contains fit information for the transmission calculation. Note that each data type, can contain its separate fit information. The set of parameters describing this fit are:

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated? Default
fit_type The type of fitting, i.e. lin, log or poly ClassTypeParameter(FitType) Y N FitType.Log enum value
polynomial_order Polynomial order when poly fit type has been selected PositiveIntegerParameter Y N 0
wavelength_low Lower wavelength bound for fitting (None means no lower bound) PositiveFloatWithNoneParameter Y N
wavelength_high Upper wavelength bound for fitting (None means no upper bound) PositiveFloatWithNoneParameter Y N

Note that the polynomial order is set to 0 by default. This forces the user to actively set a polynomial order if polynomial fitting has been selected.

The monitor normalization state:

The monitor normalization sets up a wavelength adjustment workspace. This needs to always be specified. In the StateNormalizeToMonitor class most parameters are very similar to the transmission calculation. The parameters are:

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated? Default
incident_monitor The incident monitor PositiveIntegerParameter Y N default which is specified in the IPF
prompt_peak_correction_min The start time of a prompt peak correction PositiveFloatParameter Y N
prompt_peak_correction_max The stop time of a prompt peak correction PositiveFloatParameter Y N
prompt_peak_correction_enabled If the prompt peak correction should occur BoolParameter Y N False
rebin_type The type of wavelength rebinning, i.e. standard or interpolating ClassTypeParameter(RebinType) Y N RebinType.Rebin enum value
wavelength_low The lower wavelength boundary PositiveFloatParameter Y N
wavelength_high The upper wavelength boundary PositiveFloatParameter Y N
wavelength_step The wavelength step PositiveFloatParameter Y N
wavelength_step_type The wavelength step type, i.e. lin or log ClassTypeParameter(RangeStepType) Y N
background_TOF_general_start General lower boundary for background correction FloatParameter Y N
background_TOF_general_stop General upper boundary for background correction FloatParameter Y N
background_TOF_monitor_start Monitor specific lower boundary for background correction (monitor vs. start value) DictParameter Y N
background_TOF_monitor_stop Monitor specific upper boundary for background correction (monitor vs. stop value) DictParameter Y N

Combining wavelength and pixel state:

This stage combines wavelength workspaces generated from the transmission and the monitor normalization stages with workspaces loaded from files. The StateWavelengthAndPixelAdjustment class contains the following parameters:

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated?
wavelength_low The lower bound of the for the wavelength range PositiveFloatParameter N N
wavelength_high The upper bound of the for the wavelength range PositiveFloatParameter N N
wavelength_step The wavelength step PositiveFloatParameter N N
wavelength_step_type The wavelength step type, i.e. lin or log ClassTypeParameter(RangeStepType) N N
adjustment_files Dict to adjustment files; detector type vs StateAdjustmentFiles object DictParamter N Y
idf_path Path to the IDF file StringParameter N Y

Per detector type (i.e. LAB and HAB) there can be one pixel adjustment file and one wavelength file. The values are stored in the StateAdjustmentFiles class and its parameters are:

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated?
pixel_adjustment_file The name of the pixel adjustment file StringParameter Y N
wavelength_adjustment_file The name of the wavelength adjustment file StringParameter Y N

The StateConvertToQ class contains information about the conversion of the scatter data from wavelength units to momentum transfer units. Essentially this is information to operate the Q1D or Qxy algorithm.

The parameters are:

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated? Default
reduction_dimensionality 1D or 2D ClassTypeParameter(ReductionDimensionality) N N ReductionDimensionality.OneDim enum value
use_gravity If gravity correction should be applied BoolParameter Y N False
gravity_extra_length Extra length for gravity correction PositiveFloatParameter Y N 0
radius_cuto-off Radius above which pixels are not considered PositiveFloatParameter Y N 0
wavelength_cuto-off Wavelength above which data is not considered PositiveFloatParameter Y N 0
q_min Min momentum transfer value for 1D reduction PositiveFloatParameter N, if 1D N
q_max Max momentum transfer value for 1D reduction PositiveFloatParameter N, if 1D N
q_1d_rebin_string Rebin string for Q1D StringParameter N, if 1D N
q_xy_max Max momentum transfer value for 2D reduction PositiveFloatParameter N, if 2D N
q_xy_step Momentum transfer step for 2D reduction PositiveFloatParameter N, if 2D N
q_xy_step_type The step type, i.e. lin or log ClassTypeParameter(RangeStepType) N, if 2D N
use_q_resolution If should perform a q resolution calculation BoolParameter Y N False
q_resolution_collimation_length Collimation length PositiveFloatParameter N, if performing q resolution N
q_resolution_delta_r Virtual ring width on the detector PositiveFloatParameter N, if performing q resolution N
moderator_file A file with moderator spread values StringParameter N, if performing q resolution N
q_resolution_a1 The diameter of circular source aperture PositiveFloatParameter Y (see below) N
q_resolution_a2 The diameter of circular sample aperture PositiveFloatParameter Y (see below) N
q_resolution_h1 The height of rectangular source aperture PositiveFloatParameter Y (see below) N
q_resolution_h2 The height of rectangular sample aperture PositiveFloatParameter Y (see below) N
q_resolution_w1 The width of rectangular source aperture PositiveFloatParameter Y (see below) N
q_resolution_w2 The width of rectangular sample aperture PositiveFloatParameter Y (see below) N

Note that if use_q_resolution is enabled, then either the aperture information for the circular or the rectangular case needs to be specified.

The StateCompatibility class is not directly part of the reduction, but it will convert event-mode workspaces early on to histogram-mode workspaces in order to emulate the old reduction work-flow. This allows for a direct comparison between results of the new and old reduction framework. The name compatibility has been chosen in order to indicate that we are testing for compatibility with the results of the old reduction framework.

Name Comment Type Optional? Auto-generated? Default
use_compatibility_mode If to perform a compatibility conversion BoolParameter Y N False
time_rebin_string How to rebin the data when converting to histogram mode StringParameter Y N empty string

State Generation

User input can come in the form of user files, the Python interface or the GUI. In some of these cases the order in which the parameters are set is not always in the same order and sometimes a parameter can be set multiple times (e.g. via the user file). These settings are captured in an input dictionary and then processed by builder classes which are coordinated by a state director. These components are described below.

User input dictionary

As mentioned above, we cannot make any assumptions about the order or multiplicity of the user commands. We use a simple Python dictionary to store the specified settings. In fact, the dictionary maps from enum-like classes, defined in to a list of settings. The settings can be simple values, lists, dictionaries or named_tuples defined in

Note that the naming of a large chunk of the the enum-like classes in was driven by the corresponding name in the user file definition. We can consider changing the naming in the future. Also note that some settings only allow one value, which means that the director which uses these settings will use the last value in the list.

The user input dictionary is normally populated by the settings specified in the user file and parsed by UserFileParser in In addition the dictionary can be modified by using the ISISCommandInterface or the SANS GUI. Changes to the original settings will override settings specified in the user file.

An example dictionary entry for the fit parameters during the transmission calculation for a Can data set could be:

{FitId.general: fit_general(start=1.0,

This entry is added to the general user input dictionary. Note that for some of the input values, enums from are used, e.g. FitType.Polynomial. This approach is used throughout the reduction-back-end.


The state object is constructed via the builder pattern. Each state has its own builder which will construct the correct state or sub-state based on the input parameter. Note that the selection of the state in these builders is often driven by the information contained in an object of type StateData. The data determines which algorithm strategy and hence which sub-state to choose. This data-driven approach was chosen deliberately, since the data automatically defines the values of a large set of reduction parameters, e.g. the instrument name or the path to the IDF file. Note that the coordination of the builders for the different states is performed by a state director.

Let’s have a look at an example of a typical builder. We examine the builder for scaling. The relevant builder is chosen via the factory method def get_scale_builder(data_info) where data_info is an object of type StateData. The resulting StateScaleBuilder allows for setting the parameters on the state object which is currently being built. Via the automatic_setters decorator it provides setter methods which forward to the state which is currently built. The name of the the setters is set_PARAMTERNAME for a given parameter name on the state. The advantage of the decorator is that we can exclude access to parameters of the state which are automatically set by the builder.

class StateScaleBuilder(object):
    @automatic_setters(StateScale, exclusions=[])
    def __init__(self, data_info):

In the exclusions input we can specify parameters which should not receive a setter. Note the the first input of the decorator is the state class which is being constructed by the builder.

Selection of the builders

As stated above the builders are made available via factory methods. Currently, most of the factory methods just check if we are dealing with an ISIS instrument and provide the appropriate builder. Unknown instruments will raise an NotImplementedError. When extending the framework to other instruments this is something that needs to be explicitly enabled for all states. This was done deliberately in order to ensure that the reduction state matches the new instrument.


As explained above each state has its own builder which in turn is selected via a factory method. To coordinate the builders and feed them the information that has been made available for example via the user file, the GUI or the CLI, we need an entity which coordinates the builders and the access to the relevant information. This task is managed by state directors.

The main director which handles the coordination of the builders and the only one which is actually aware of them is StateDirectorISIS. The director manages the user input dictionary which was discussed earlier. It is also possible to provide a user file as input or a user input dictionary.

This director is used by other directors which are responsible for creating the user input dictionary for the CLI and GUI case. These directors don’t know anything about the builders or the state, but are only responsible for providing the user input. An exception to this is the StateData object, since it is used indirectly to choose the correct builders for the other sub-states. Hence the role of the outer level directors is to provide the StateDirectorISIS object with general user input information and information about the data.

User file input

The user file is an import aspect of setting up a reduction for a SANS work-flow. Conventionally, most of the settings are defined in the user file and only few settings are adjusted/provided via the CLI or the GUI.

The information in the user file is converted to the user input dictionary. This is currently achieved with a UserFileParser object. Future user files will potentially make use of a custom yaml-style format. This will require a new parser which will easily replace the current parser since only a single interface method (parse_line which takes a single line to parse) needs to be provided.

For an overview of the user file commands, please see the user file documentation .

Director for ISISCommandInterface (CLI)

The ISISCommandInterface is used by some of the power users among the instrument scientists. It is an efficient way to customize reductions which require small tweaks between different reductions. Please consult the scripting documentation for the ISISCommandInterface for more information.

The principal component which sets up the state behind the scene is CommandInterfaceStateDirector. It has to deal with the complication that we are only able to set up the reduction state after all information has been provided, hence it collects all the inputs and stores this information between CLI calls. Once processing has been requested, it pre-processes some of this input and passes the information via a user input dictionary to the standard state director.

Usage via GUI

The GUI stores the user input dictionary in the StateGuiModel class in which is then consumed by the GuiStateDirector in The state model contains most of the information required for the state generation. Some further settings, especially regarding the data which is to be reduced, is stored in the TableModel in

Other useful information

This module contains many enum-like classes. Since we cannot make use of the enum features of Python 3 and don’t want to work with string comparisons, we roll out our own enums. Two things are noteworthy here:

  • Using the string_convertible decorator allows the enum classes to be string-convertible which is useful when they are being used in state objects which themselves need to be serializable.
  • The serializable_enum decorator allows to correctly register the enum values. Note that this decorator alters the __module__ of the nested classes.

Work-flow algorithms for individual reduction steps

Here we intend to discuss the functionality of the individual work-flow algorithms which make up the SANS reduction. The algorithms can be found in Framework/PythonInterface/plugins/WorkflowAlgorithms/SANS. Some of the implementation is placed into scripts/SANS/sans/algorithm_detail in order avoid large scripts sizes.

The dedicated work-flow algorithms for the SANS reduction are:

Note that the vast majority of the these algorithms takes a SANSState object as an input.

The individual algorithms are superficially discussed below.

There are two further algorithms which coordinate these algorithms, they are SANSReductionCore and SANSSingleReduction which are discussed further down.


The SANSCalculateTransmission algorithm is one of the more complex algorithms in the reduction chain with many sub-steps and a wide variety of parameters which can be set by the users.

The algorithm performs the following steps:

  1. Select the incident monitor. If this is not explicitly set then the default value is taken.
  2. Select the transmission detector ids. The detector ids are chosen via the following preference:
    1. If available, get detector ids from region-of-interest selection on detector
    2. Else if available get detector ids from transmission monitor setting
    3. Else get default transmission monitor
  3. Get the corrected transmission workspace. The sub-steps are:
    1. Load the transmission workspace
    2. Extract the transmission detector ids with ExtractSpectra
    3. Perform prompt peak correction
    4. Perform flat background correction to monitors (if applicable) using CalculateFlatBackground
    5. Perform flat background correction to other detectors (if applicable) using CalculateFlatBackground
    6. Convert to wavelength and rebin using SANSConvertToWavelengthAndRebin
  4. Get the corrected direct workspace. The sub-steps are:
    1. Load the direct workspace
    2. Extract the transmission detector ids with ExtractSpectra
    3. Perform prompt peak correction (if applicable) using RemoveBins
    4. Perform flat background correction to monitors (if applicable) using CalculateFlatBackground
    5. Perform flat background correction to other detectors (if applicable) using CalculateFlatBackground
    6. Convert to wavelength and rebin using SANSConvertToWavelengthAndRebin
  5. Perform fitting for the transmission calculation. The sub-steps are:
    1. Use incident monitor, wavelength settings, transmission detector ids, fit settings as well as the corrected transmission (step 3) and direct (step4) workspaces to initialize CalculateTransmission
    2. Execute CalculateTransmission
    3. Get the fitted and unfitted output workspaces
  6. Set the fitted and unfitted workspaces on the output of the algorithm.


The SANSConvertToQ algorithm is the most essential algorithm in the reduction chain. It coordinates the final conversion from wavelength units to momentum transfer units.

If a 1D reduction has been selected then the algorithm will perform the follow sub-steps:

  1. Calculate the momentum transfer resolution workspace using TOFSANSResolutionByPixel (if applicable)
  2. Set data workspace, adjustment workspaces, momentum transfer resolution workspace (if applicable), radius and wavelength cut-offs, momentum transfer limits and the gravity correction on Q1D
  3. Execute Q1D
  4. Get reduced workspace, the sum-of-counts workspace and the sum-of-norm workspaces and set on the output of the algorithm

If a 2D reduction has been selected then the algorithm will perform the following sub-steps:

  1. Set data workspace, adjustment workspaces, momentum transfer resolution workspace (if applicable), radius and wavelength cut-offs, momentum transfer limits and the gravity correction on Qxy
  2. Execute Qxy
  3. Get reduced workspace, the sum-of-counts workspace and the sum-of-norm workspaces and set on the output of the algorithm


The SANSConvertToWavelength algorithm acts as a wrapper around SANSConvertToWavelengthAndRebin. Unlike SANSConvertToWavelengthAndRebin it takes a SANSState object as its input. This algorithm is used for the wavelength conversion of the scatter workspace.


The SANSConvertToWavelengthAndRebin algorithm is one of the few which does not take a SANSState object as an input.

The algorithm performs the following steps:

  1. Unit conversion from time-of-flight units to wavelength units using ConvertUnits
  2. Performs a rebin operation using either Rebin or InterpolatingRebin


The SANSCreateWavelengthAndPixelAdjustment algorithm combines the output of the SANSCalculateTransmission algorithm, the output of the SANSNormalizeToMonitor algorithm and flood and direct files to produce the correction workspaces which are required for SANSConvertToQ.

The sub-steps of the algorithm are:

  1. Create the wavelength-adjustment workspace. The sub-steps are:
    1. Get the calculate-transmission workspace from the input
    2. Get the normalization-to-monitor workspace from the input
    3. Load the wavelength-adjustment file using LoadRKH
    4. Provide all of the above workspaces with the same binning using Rebin and multiply them using Multiply
  2. Create the pixel-adjustment workspace. The sub-states are:
    1. Load the pixel-adjustment file using LoadRKH
    2. Crop the pixel-adjustment workspace to the desired detector using SANSCrop
  3. Set the pixel-adjustment and wavelength-adjustment workspaces on the output of the algorithm


The SANSCrop algorithm crops the input workspace to a specified component using CropToComponent.


The SANSLoad algorithm is responsible for loading data and applying the calibration where required. This algorithm loads SANS data sets. The loading can handle nexus and raw files which can be plain or multi-period data. In addition the algorithm has to be able to handle added files. The SANS data sets which can be loaded with this algorithm are:

  • sample scatter data which is the actual data under investigation. The algorithm loads the corresponding monitor workspace separately
  • sample transmission data
  • sample direct data
  • can scatter data. The algorithm also loads the corresponding monitor workspace separately
  • can transmission data
  • can direct data

In addition a calibration file which is applied after the data has been loaded can be specified. The calibration performs micro-adjustments to the detectors.

The algorithm sub-steps are:

  1. Based on the input data a loading strategy is selected.
  2. For each workspace in the StateData state object we load the data (with the loading strategy from step 1). The sub-states are:
    1. If optimizations are enabled check if the desired workspace already exists on the ADS. If so, fetch it and return it. We are done with loading this data set.
    2. Else get the correct loader strategy (e.g. for event-mode files) and load the data. This will load either all periods or just the specified period where applicable. If scatter data is loaded, then the monitor data is loaded into a separate workspace with the suffix “_monitors”.
  3. Apply calibration if required. Note that the algorithm loads the calibration workspace from the ADS if it exists there when optimizations are enabled. Else it loads it from file and places it on the ADS.
  4. Set the loaded workspaces on the output of the algorithm.
  5. For LOQ apply transmission corrections if applicable. This will apply a different instrument definition for transmission runs.


The SANSMaskWorkspace algorithm is responsible for masking detectors and time bins on the scatter workspaces. There are several types of masking which are currently supported:

  • Time/Bin masking.
  • Radius masking.
  • Mask files.
  • Spectrum masking which includes individual spectra, spectra ranges, spectra blocks and spectra cross blocks. These masks are partially specified on a detector level (see below).
  • Angle masking.
  • Beam stop masking.

Note that only those of the following steps are executed where the user has specified a particular masking instruction. The algorithm sub-steps are:

  1. Select the correct masking strategy (currently only ISIS)
  2. Apply time bin masking. The sub-steps are:
    1. Apply general time bin masks using MaskBins
    2. Apply detector specific time bin masks using MaskBins
  3. Apply cylinder masking. This generates a hollow cylinder which masks the beam stop (defined by an inner radius) and anything outside of an area of interest (defined by an outer radius). The sub-steps are:
    1. Set up the inner and the outer radius of the cylinder mask.
    2. Mask everything outside of the hollow cylinder using MaskDetectorsInShape
  4. Apply a list of mask files. For each mask file the sub-steps are:
    1. Load the mask file into a workspace using LoadMask
    2. Apply the mask workspace to the scatter workspace using MaskDetectors
  5. Apply spectrum masks. The sub-steps are:
    1. Get the spectra masks for single spectra, spectrum ranges, single horizontal spectrum strips, single vertical spectrum strips, horizontal spectrum range (several strips next to each other), vertical spectrum range (several strips next to each other), block masks and block cross masks
    2. Mask the selected spectra using MaskDetectors
  6. Apply angle masking. This is used for pizza-slice masking and uses MaskDetectorsInShape
  7. Apply beam stop masking. The beam stop consists of a disc where the beam is located and a connection arm (rod) which holds the disc. The disc has at this point already been masked by a cylinder mask. This step masks the connection arm using MaskDetectorsInShape


The SANSMove algorithm moves the instrument component of the SANS workspace according to the settings in the state object. Additionally the user can specify the beam centre. Note that if the beam centre is also specified in the state object, then the manual selection takes precedence. The way we perform a move is highly-instrument and in fact data-dependent. Currently the move mechanism is implemented for SANS2D, LOQ, LARMOR and ZOOM.

The main purpose is to shift a freshly loaded data set into its default position. Note that each instrument has its own way of displacing the instrument. In general this is achieved by a combination of translations and rotations using MoveInstrumentComponent and RotateInstrumentComponent.


The SANSNormalizeToMonitor algorithm provides a monitor normalization workspace for subsequent wavelength correction in Q1D v2 or Qxy v1. The settings of the algorithm are provided by the state object. The user can provide a ScaleFactor which is normally obtained during event slicing.

The sub-steps of this algorithm are:

  1. Get the incident monitor spectrum number and the scale factor
  2. Extract the monitor spectrum using ExtractSingleSpectrum into a monitor workspace
  3. Apply the scale factor to the monitor workspace using Scale
  4. Perform a prompt peak correction (if applicable) using RemoveBins
  5. Perform a flat background correction (if applicable) using CalculateFlatBackground
  6. Convert to wavelength units and rebin using SANSConvertToWavelengthAndRebin


The SANSSave algorithm performs two steps:

  1. Create a cloned workspace where the zero-error values are inflated (if this is requested)
  2. Save the workspace into each specified file format.

Zero-error inflation is useful for data points where the error is 0. When performing any form of regression of this the zero-valued error will fix the model at this point. If we inflate the error at this point then it does not contribute to the regression.


The SANSScale algorithm scales a SANS workspace according to the settings in the state object. The scaling includes division by the volume of the sample and multiplication by an absolute scale.

The sub-steps of this algorithm are:

  1. Multiply by the absolute scale. The sub-steps are:
    1. If a scale is specified, multiply the scale by 100, else set the scale to 100
    2. If the instrument is LOQ divide by \pi
    3. Multiply the scatter workspace by the scale using Multiply (and CreateSingleValuedWorkspace)
  2. Divide by the sample volume. The sub-steps are:
    1. Calculate the sample volume based either on the user settings or the sample information from the file.
    2. Divide by the scatter workspace by the sample volume using Divide (and CreateSingleValuedWorkspace)


The SANSSliceEvent algorithm creates a sliced workspaces from an event-based SANS input workspace according to the settings in the state object. The algorithm will extract a slice based on a start and end time which are set in the state object. In addition, the data type, i.e. if the slice is to be taken from a sample or a can workspace, can be specified. Note that the monitor workspace is not being sliced but scaled by the ratio of the proton charge of the sliced workspace to the proton charnge of the full workspace.

The sub-states of this algorithm are:

  1. Get the start time and the end time of the time slice
  2. If the data set is from a Can measurement, then don’t perform a slice
  3. Slice the scatter workspace using the start and end time and FilterByTime
  4. Get the partial charge for the sliced data and calculate the slice factor which is (partial charge) / (total charge)
  5. Multiply the monitor workspace with the scale factor
  6. Set the sliced scatter data, the scaled monitor data and the slice factor on the output of this algorithm

Work-flow algorithm orchestration

The orchestration of the work-flow algorithms is mainly handled by the SANSReductionCore class in It defines the sequence of work-flow algorithms and how data is passed between them. However, executing the algorithm SANSReductionCore does not run a full reduction, but rather only reduces either the sample or the can data.

For this the SANSSingleReduction algorithm was developed. It runs SANSReductionCore with the appropriate data (sample or can) and performs the required post processing, e.g. stitching. This algorithm will produce a fully reduced output. However it will not produce it in the desired form, e.g. correct name of the output workspaces, grouping of multi-period reduced data etc. This is achieved with an instance of SANSBatchReduction (not a work-flow algorithm!) in module This is the entry point for any reduction.


This class is the entry point for any reduction and is not an algorithm but rather a script. It takes three important inputs:

  • A list of SANS state objects. Each state object defines a reduction. In fact if the state object contains period data with N periods and M time slices it will in fact define N \times M reductions.
  • A use_optimizations boolean flag. If true, the data loading mechanism will check the ADS first if the required data is available from there and only load the data if it is not present. It will place newly loaded data into the ADS. The ADS is also checked for can reductions.
  • An output_mode enum, which can be:
    • PublishToADS means that the reduced data is added to the ADS
    • SaveToFile means that the reduced data is saved only to file
    • Both means that the reduced data is added to the ADS and saved to file

SANSBatchReduction reduces the list of states sequentially. The for-loop in the execute method lends itself to parallelization via MPI, hence this could be a potential future optimization if this should be required. The sub-steps to handle each state object are:

  1. Load the data which is relevant for the particular reduction (make use of optimizations if applicable)
  2. If the state object contains multi-period data with N periods and/or M time slices then generate N \times M state objects
  3. For each state object run the SANSSingleReduction algorithm
  4. Group the output workspaces if required, e.g. for reduced multi-period data
  5. Provide workspaces to the selected output channel, i.e. ADS, files or both.

Note that SANSBatchReduction also sets the name of the reduced data.

The users can interact with the new SANS reduction back-end either via the GUI or the Python interface. Both of these methods utilize the SANSBatchReduction to perform the reduction.


The SANSSingleReduction algorithm defines a single complete reduction of a data set, i.e. it will run the reduction for the Sample and Can and perform the subtraction of these results if the reduction has been set up to do this. In particular this algorithm stitches the reduced workspaces of the different detectors using SANSStitch, again only if the reduction has been set up to do this.


This work-flow algorithm actually defines the order of the reduction steps and is the inner core of the orchestration mechanism. The inputs to this algorithm are

  • A SANS state object
  • Several input workspaces
  • A detector type selection, i.e. LAB or HAB
  • A data type selection, i.e. Sample or Can

The sub-steps of this algorithm are:

  1. Get the cropped input ScatterWorkspace. The cropping is defined by the selected detector type. The underlying algorithm is SANSCrop.
  2. Create an event slice of the input workspace using SANSSliceEvent. Note that event slicing is only applied to event-mode workspaces and only when it has been specified by the user. During this step the scatter workspace is sliced and the associated monitor workspace is scaled. The scaling factor is the ratio of the charge of the sliced data set and the charge of the entire data set.
  3. If we are dealing with an even-mode workspace and the compatibility mode has been chosen then either a custom binning or the monitor binning is applied using Rebin or RebinToWorkspace, respectively.
  4. Both the data and the monitor workspace perform an initial move operation using SANSMove. The algorithm is applied twice. The first time using the SetToZero mode in case the algorithm had been loaded and moved already previously. This resets the instrument position of the workspace to the positions of the base instrument. The second time the move algorithm is operated in InitialMove mode.
  5. The data workspace is masked using SANSMaskWorkspace. Note that only the general masks and the masks for the selected component are applied. Note that all steps up until now were performed in the time-of-flight domain.
  6. Convert the data from the time-of-flight to the wavelength domain using SANSConvertToWavelength.
  7. Scale the data set using SANSScale. This will multiply the data set with the absolute scale and divide by the sample volume.
  8. This step creates the adjustment workspaces using SANSCreateAdjustmentWorkspaces. This uses the input TransmissionWorkspace and DirectWorkspace workspaces. Note that the instruments referenced in the workspace are moved using SANSMove before they are used by the adjustment algorithm. The outputs are a wavelength-adjustment workspace, a pixel-adjustment workspace and a wavelength-and-pixel adjustment workspace. Note that their creation is optional.
  9. Convert the data workspace into histogram-mode using RebinToWorkspace. This is only relevant for event-mode workspaces where the compatibility mode has not been used. Up until now the event-mode workspace could be used as an event workspace, but the momentum transfer conversion (the next step) requires a histogram-mode workspace.
  10. The final step, the conversion to momentum transfer units, either uses Q1D or Qxy depending on the setting of the reduction dimensionality. This step uses the data workspace as well as all of the adjustment workspaces which have been provided earlier on. The resulting OutputWorkspace and the SumOfCounts as well as SumOfNormFactors counts are provided as outputs.

Category: Development