StartRemoteTransaction v2


StartRemoteTransaction dialog.


Start a (new) transaction on a remote compute resource.


Name Direction Type Default Description
ComputeResource Input string Mandatory The name of the remote computer where the new transaction will be created. Allowed values: ['SCARF@STFC‘]
TransactionID Output string   The ID of the new transaction


Start a (new) transaction on a remote compute resource. You need to start a transaction before submitting jobs with StartRemoteTransaction v2, and or uploading or downloading files with UploadRemoteFile v2 and DownloadRemoteFile v2. The concept of transaction is described in the Mantid remote job submission API docs <>. Note that (depending on the implementation of this algorithm) the environment, and files and jobs available are specific to a transaction.

Transactions created with this algorithm can be cancelled or killed with the algorithm StopRemoteTransaction v2.

For more specific details on remote algorithms when using the Mantid web service remote job submission API, see the remote job submission API docs.

Previous Versions

Version 1

Version 1 creates transactions using the Start action of the Mantid remote job submission API. This is still supported as one of the variants of Versions 2 and above, when the compute resource uses the Mantid remote job submission API as job manager (underlying remote job scheduling mechanism).

Categories: Algorithms | Remote


C++ source: StartRemoteTransaction2.cpp (last modified: 2018-03-07)

C++ header: StartRemoteTransaction2.h (last modified: 2018-03-07)