UploadRemoteFile v2


UploadRemoteFile dialog.


Transfers/uploads a file to the specified compute resource.


Name Direction Type Default Description
ComputeResource Input string Mandatory The name of the remote computer to upload the file to. Allowed values: ['SCARF@STFC‘]
TransactionID Input string Mandatory The transaction the file will be associated with
RemoteFileName Input string Mandatory The name to save the file as on the remote computer. (Filename only; no path information)
LocalFileName Input string Mandatory The full pathname (on the local machine) of the file to upload


Transfers/uploads a file to the specified (remote) compute resource. Presumably, the file is a script or input data necessary to run a job on the remote compute resource.

The destination directory depends on the specified transaction ID, and its interpretation (absolute or relative to a job or transaction environment) is implementation dependent. See StartRemoteTransaction v2 for how to start a transaction.

For more details on remote algorithms when using the Mantid web service remote job submission API, see the remote job submission API docs.

Previous Versions

Version 1

Version 1 transfers files using the Mantid remote job submission API. This is still supported as one of the variants of Versions 2 and above, when the compute resource uses the Mantid remote job submission API as job manager (underlying remote job scheduling mechanism).

Categories: Algorithms | Remote


C++ source: UploadRemoteFile2.cpp (last modified: 2018-03-07)

C++ header: UploadRemoteFile2.h (last modified: 2018-03-07)