LorentzCorrection v1


LorentzCorrection dialog.


Performs a white beam Lorentz Correction


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Input workspace to correct in Wavelength.
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory An output workspace.


Calculates and applies the lorentz correction weights to a workspace. The Lorentz correction L is calculated according to:

L = \sin(\theta)^{2}/\lambda^{4}

Where \theta is the scattering angle.

The calculations performed in this Algorithm are a subset of those performed by the AnvredCorrection v1


Example - LorentzCorrection

tof = Load(Filename='HRP39180.RAW')
lam = ConvertUnits(InputWorkspace=tof, Target='Wavelength')
corrected = LorentzCorrection(InputWorkspace=lam)

y = corrected.readY(2)
e = corrected.readE(2)
# print first corrected yvalues
print y[1:5]
# print first corrected evalues
print e[1:5]


[ 0.84604876  0.4213364   1.67862035  0.        ]
[ 0.59824681  0.4213364   0.83931018  0.        ]

Categories: Algorithms | Crystal