PDDetermineCharacterizations v1


PDDetermineCharacterizations dialog.


Determines the characterizations of a workspace.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   Workspace with logs to help identify frequency and wavelength
Characterizations Input TableWorkspace   Table of characterization information
ReductionProperties Input string __pd_reduction_properties Property manager name for the reduction
BackRun Input int list 0 Empty container run to use. 0 to use value in table, -1 to not use.
NormRun Input int list 0 Normalization run to use. 0 to use value in table, -1 to not use.
NormBackRun Input int list 0 Normalization background run to use. 0 to use value in table, -1 to not use.
FrequencyLogNames Input str list SpeedRequest1,Speed1,frequency Candidate log names for frequency
WaveLengthLogNames Input str list LambdaRequest,lambda Candidate log names for wave length


This algorithm takes an InputWorkspace and Characterizations TableWorkspace and creates a PropertyManager with the appropriate characterization runs. This is done by determining the effective accelerator frequency and center wavelength and choosing the appropriate row from the table.

This algorithm is one of the workflow algorithms that helps SNSPowderReduction v1.

Determing Frequency and Wavelength

The freqency is found by inspecting the logs (in order) “SpeedRequest1”, “Speed1”, and “frequency”. Whichever one has a nonzero value is used. Simlilarly, the wavelength is taken by inspecting “Lambda”. If either the frequency or wavelength cannot be determined, the algorithm will return a default PropertyManager with mostly zeros.

PropertyManager Contents

The PropertyManager will have the following keys and values. Listed in the table is also their default values.

Name Type Default
frequency double 0
wavelength double 0
bank integer 1
vanadium integer 0
container integer 0
empty integer 0
d_min string “”
d_max string “”
tof_min double 0
tof_max double 0

For a description of the TableWorkspace see PDLoadCharacterizations.

Categories: Algorithms | Workflow | Diffraction | UsesPropertyManager