MonteCarloAbsorption v1


MonteCarloAbsorption dialog.


Calculates attenuation due to absorption and scattering in a sample & its environment using a Monte Carlo.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The name of the input workspace. The input workspace must have X units of wavelength.
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The name to use for the output workspace.
NumberOfWavelengthPoints Input number Optional The number of wavelength points for which a simulation is atttempted (default: all points)
EventsPerPoint Input number 300 The number of “neutron” events to generate per simulated point
SeedValue Input number 123456789 Seed the random number generator with this value


This algorithm performs a Monte Carlo simulation to calculate the correction factors due to attenuation & single scattering within a sample plus optionally its sample environment.

Input Workspace Requirements

The algorithm will compute the correction factors on a bin-by-bin basis for each spectrum within the input workspace. The following assumptions on the input workspace will are made:

  • X units are in wavelength
  • the instrument is fully defined
  • properties of the sample and optionally its environment have been set with SetSample

By default the beam is assumed to be the a slit with width and height matching the width and height of the sample. This can be overridden using SetBeam.


By default, the material for the sample & containers will define the values of the cross section used to compute the absorption factor and will include contributions from both the total scattering cross section & absorption cross section. This follows the Hamilton-Darwin [1], [2] approach as described by T. M. Sabine in the International Tables of Crystallography Vol. C [3].

The algorithm proceeds as follows. For each spectrum:

  1. find the associated detector position
  2. find the associated efixed value (if applicable) & convert to wavelength (\lambda_{fixed})
  3. loop over the bins in steps defined by NumberOfWavelengthPoints and for each step (\lambda_{step})
    • define \lambda_1 as the wavelength before scattering & \lambda_2 as wavelength after scattering:
      • Direct: \lambda_1 = \lambda_1, \lambda_2 = \lambda_{step}
      • Indirect: \lambda_1 = \lambda_{step}, \lambda_2 = \lambda_{fixed}
      • Elastic: \lambda_1 = \lambda_2 = \lambda_{step}
    • for each event in NEvents:
      • generate a random point on the beam face defined by the input height & width. If the point is outside of the area defined by the face of the sample then it is pulled to the boundary of this area
      • assume the neutron travels in the direction defined by the samplePos - srcPos and define a Track
      • test for intersections of the track & sample + container objects, giving the number of subsections and corresponding distances within the object for each section, call them l_{1i}
      • choose a random section and depth for the scatter point
      • form a second Track with the scatter position as the starting point and the direction defined by detPos - scatterPos
      • test for intersections of the track & sample + container objects, giving the number of subsections and corresponding distances within the object for each section, call them l_{2i}
      • compute the self-attenuation factor for all intersections as \prod\limits_{i} \exp(-(\rho_{1i}\sigma_{1i}(\lambda_{1i})l_{1i} + \rho_{2i}\sigma_{2i}(\lambda_{2i})l_{2i})) where \rho is the mass density of the material & \sigma the absorption cross-section at a given wavelength
      • accumulate this factor with the factor for all NEvents
    • average the accumulated attentuation factors over NEvents and assign this as the correction factor for this \lambda_{step}.
  4. finally, perform an interpolation through the unsimulated wavelength points


Example: A cylindrical sample with no container

data = CreateSampleWorkspace(WorkspaceType='Histogram', NumBanks=1)
data = ConvertUnits(data, Target="Wavelength")
# Default up axis is Y
SetSample(data, Geometry={'Shape': 'Cylinder', 'Height': 5.0, 'Radius': 1.0,
                  'Center': [0.0,0.0,0.0]},
                Material={'ChemicalFormula': '(Li7)2-C-H4-N-Cl6', 'SampleNumberDensity': 0.07})
# Simulating every data point can be slow. Use a smaller set and interpolate
abscor = MonteCarloAbsorption(data, NumberOfWavelengthPoints=50)
corrected = data/abscor

Example: A cylindrical sample setting a beam size

data = CreateSampleWorkspace(WorkspaceType='Histogram', NumBanks=1)
data = ConvertUnits(data, Target="Wavelength")
# Default up axis is Y
SetSample(data, Geometry={'Shape': 'Cylinder', 'Height': 5.0, 'Radius': 1.0,
                  'Center': [0.0,0.0,0.0]},
                  Material={'ChemicalFormula': '(Li7)2-C-H4-N-Cl6', 'SampleNumberDensity': 0.07})
SetBeam(data, Geometry={'Shape': 'Slit', 'Width': 0.8, 'Height': 1.0})
# Simulating every data point can be slow. Use a smaller set and interpolate
abscor = MonteCarloAbsorption(data, NumberOfWavelengthPoints=50)
corrected = data/abscor

Example: A cylindrical sample with predefined container

The following example uses a test sample environment defined for the TEST_LIVE facility and ISIS_Histogram instrument and assumes that these are set as the default facility and instrument respectively. The definition can be found at [INSTALLDIR]/instrument/sampleenvironments/TEST_LIVE/ISIS_Histogram/CRYO-01.xml.

data = CreateSampleWorkspace(WorkspaceType='Histogram', NumBanks=1)
data = ConvertUnits(data, Target="Wavelength")
# Sample geometry is defined by container but not completely filled so
# we just define the height
SetSample(data, Environment={'Name': 'CRYO-01', 'Container': '8mm'},
          Geometry={'Height': 4.0},
          Material={'ChemicalFormula': '(Li7)2-C-H4-N-Cl6', 'SampleNumberDensity': 0.07})
# Simulating every data point can be slow. Use a smaller set and interpolate
abscor = MonteCarloAbsorption(data, NumberOfWavelengthPoints=30)
corrected = data/abscor


[1]Darwin, C. G., Philos. Mag., 43 800 (1922) doi: 10.1080/10448639208218770
[2]Hamilton, W.C., Acta Cryst, 10, 629 (1957) doi: 10.1107/S0365110X57002212
[3]Sabine, T. M., International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. C, Page 609, Ed. Wilson, A. J. C and Prince, E. Kluwer Publishers (2004) doi: 10.1107/97809553602060000103

Categories: Algorithms | CorrectionFunctions\AbsorptionCorrections