Muon Interfaces Unscripted Testing


This document is intended for developers to use for unscripted testing of Muon Analysis and Frequency Domain Analysis GUI. User documentation for this interface can be found at Muon Analysis and Frequency Domain Analysis .

Testing here mostly focuses on the changes for Mantid 3.11, but includes other functionality as well. The tests follow real use cases provided by scientists and are intended to exercise all the interface’s functionality. As changes are made to the interface and features added, anything for which it is not possible to write an automated test should have a manual test added to this list.


The tests here are grouped into four sections. The test groups should be run in order and, within each test group, the individual tests should also be run in order. This is because, to avoid duplication, some tests rely on previous tests having been run first.

Common setup

  • Set your facility to ISIS
  • Ensure the files EMU00020918-20, MUSR00015189 and MUSR00062260-1 are in Mantid’s path
  • Open Interfaces ‣ Muon ‣ Muon Analysis
  • At this point, before loading any data, the Grouping Options and Data Analysis tabs should be disabled.

Group 1: Data loading and old/new fitting UI

Test instructions for group 1 can be found at Muon Analysis Unscripted Testing: Group 1 (General). These test general data loading and processing, and also switching between the old and new fitting user interfaces.

Group 2: Fitting tests

Test instructions for group 2 can be found at Muon Analysis Unscripted Testing: Group 2 (Fitting). These test the different types of fits. The fit should succeed in each without a crash. The results will be tested later, in the results table test section (group 3).

Group 3: Results table tests

Test instructions for group 3 can be found at Muon Analysis Unscripted Testing: Group 3 (Results Tables). These test the generation of results tables from the fits performed in the tests in group 2.

Group 4: Frequequency Domain Analysis tests

Test instructions for group 4 can be found at Muon Unscripted Testing: Group 4 (Frequency Domain Analysis). These test the Frequency Domain Analysis GUI and use data loaded from the tests in group 2.

Categories: Interfaces | Muon