- Recommendations for which fitting method to use for a given data set has been added to FittingMinimzers page.
- Improved documentation of the these fitting minimizers.
- Algorithm CalculateCostFunction calculates a value of any available cost function.
- Algorithm EstimateFitParameters estimates the initial values of a fiting function in given intervals.
- Exclude is new property of Fit, which allows for a user defined range to be excluded from a fit.
- System tests and Fitting Benchmarks have been added for testing the minimizer, the scripts generate the tables displayed on FittingMinimzers page. This System tests also demo how these tables can be created as a standard Mantid script.
The work on benchmarking fitting has received funding from the Horizon 2020 Framework
Programme of the European Union under the SINE2020 project Grant No 654000
- The Peak Radius global setting for 1D peaks is replaced with PeakRadius property of the Fit algorithm (see algorithm’s description for the details).
- The output and normalization MDHistoWorkspaces from MDNormSCD and MDNormDirectSC have the ‘displayNormalization’ set to ‘NoNormalization’. For older outputs, the setDisplayNormalization function is now exposed to python.
Full list of
changes on GitHub