- Fixed a bug where checking or unchecking “show invisible workspaces” in View->Preferences->Mantid->Options would have no effect on workspaces loaded in the dock.
- The Spectrum Viewer now reports two theta and azimuthal angle correctly.
- Fixed crash when clicking “Help->Ask for Help” on Linux-based systems with Firefox set as the default browser.
- The “Filter log values by” option in the Sample Logs dialog now works out the log statistics with the correct filter applied, and deals correctly with aborted runs.
- Fixed crash when loading data and the algorithm widget is hidden.
- Fixed exception being thrown when saving a project with custom interfaces open.
- The “Plot Surface from Group” and “Plot Contour from Group” options have been fixed and now work for both histogram and point data. Note that all workspaces in the group must have the same X data.
- Fixed a bug where enabling auto rebinning in the slice viewer and zooming would not rebin the workspace if it was a histogram workspace.
- Fixed importing string logs and string series logs into MantidPlot
- Legend placement has been fixed in the “tiled plot”/
option, and these graphs now use Mantid’s default plot style options.
- Fixed a bug where saving a plot created from columns of a table window are loaded back as a blank plot from a Mantid project.
- Fixed a bug where saving a tiled plot to a project file, would be reloaded with different size plots when opened.
- Fixed a bug where minimised windows would not stay minimised after being serialised to a Mantid project
- Fixed a bug where changing the integration range of the instrument view would clear the applied zooming.
- Fixed a bug where the threshold filter in the VSI SplatterPlot view only returned an empty dataset.
- Fixed a bug where plotting a column of TableWorkspace in the GUI did not work if decimal separator was not a dot.
- Fixed a bug where closing a second plot window would cause a newly activated window to be resized.
- Fixed a bug where pressing the pick mode button in the SplatterPlotView of the VSI caused Mantid to crash.
Full list of
changes on GitHub