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LoadSINQ v1


LoadSINQ dialog.


SINQ data file loader


Name Direction Type Default Description
Instrument Input string AMOR Choose Instrument. Allowed values: [‘AMOR’, ‘BOA’, ‘DMC’, ‘FOCUS’, ‘HRPT’, ‘MARSI’, ‘MARSE’, ‘POLDI’, ‘RITA-2’, ‘SANS’, ‘SANS2’, ‘TRICS’]
Year Input number 2021 Choose year
Numor Input number 0 Choose file number
OutputWorkspace Output Workspace Mandatory  


LoadSINQ loads SINQ NeXus files. The algorithm calculates the file name from the instrument, year and numor and tries to locate the file, both at SINQ standard paths as well as the data directories configured for Mantid. Then it calls LoadSINQFile v1 for the located data file.

The Mantid standard Load algorithm selects based on file extensions. The file extensions used at SINQ, mainly .hdf and .h5, were already taken. Thus the need for a separate loader.


The following usage example loads a POLDI data file using the instrument name, year and numor.

poldi_data = LoadSINQ(Instrument = "POLDI", Year = 2013, Numor = 6904)

print("Poldi sample 6904 has {} histograms.".format(poldi_data.getNumberHistograms()))


Poldi sample 6904 has 400 histograms.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | DataHandling\Nexus


Python: (last modified: 2020-03-27)