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LoadSINQFile v1


LoadSINQFile dialog.


Load a SINQ file with the right dictionary.


Name Direction Type Default Description
Instrument Input string AMOR Choose Instrument. Allowed values: [‘AMOR’, ‘BOA’, ‘DMC’, ‘FOCUS’, ‘HRPT’, ‘MARSI’, ‘MARSE’, ‘POLDI’, ‘RITA-2’, ‘SANS’, ‘SANS2’, ‘TRICS’]
Filename Input string Mandatory Allowed extensions: [‘.h5’, ‘.hdf’]
OutputWorkspace Output Workspace Mandatory  


LoadSINQFile is a wrapper algorithm around LoadFlexiNexus v1. It locates a suitable dictionary file for the instrument in question and then goes away to call LoadFlexiNexus with the right arguments. It also performs any other magic which might be required to get the data in the right shape for further processing in Mantid.

In most cases, the algorithm LoadSINQ v1 can be used instead, especially if the file is located in one of the standard data directories. LoadSINQFile is mainly useful if a SINQ-file from a specific path or a non-standard file name has to be loaded.


poldi_data = LoadSINQFile(Filename = "poldi2013n006904.hdf", Instrument = "POLDI")

print("Poldi sample 6904 has {} histograms.".format(poldi_data.getNumberHistograms()))


Poldi sample 6904 has 400 histograms.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | DataHandling\Nexus


Python: (last modified: 2020-03-27)