Direct Geometry Changes
- Added a new algorithm PelicanReduction for the ANSTO PELICAN instrument that reduces time of flight data versus two theta to S(Q,w).
- Added SNS instruments to PyChop
- Updated instrument geometry for CHESS
- Loading of SHARP TOF and single-channel data has been added to LoadILLTOF
- New function to calculate angles for final momentum and for momentum transfer, in the mantid.utils.dgs library
- Loading of the omega-scan mode is supported for ILL instruments IN5, PANTHER, and SHARP via LoadILLDiffraction loader
- MDNorm algorithm can now efficiently process background.
- Implemented floating/ontop window behaviour.
- Added a ‘close all’ command for plots in the command line interface.
- Added a button for deleting a line in the settings of a 1D plot.
- Added a wrapper for the commands necessary for adding a workspace via the command line interface.
- Added feature of raising or bringing forward plot window for plotover in cuts.
- Fixed bug that overwrote selection of background workspace when subtracting workspaces.
- Fixed runtime error when trying to delete workspace for the second time.
- Fix for colorcycle problem for multiple curves on one plot.
- Fixed a bug that caused hidden lines to be shown when generating a script from a plot.
- Corrected workspace names in scripts generated from plots.
- Prevented crashes when converting Intensity from S(Q,E) to GDOS.
- Fixed bug that caused specifying the fixed final energy for more than one workspace at once to fail.
- Release active interactive cuts on existing slice plots to enable a new slice plot in order to prevent crash.
- Fixed bug that caused crashes when displaying or closing an empty plot window.
Release 6.1.0