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ApplyTransmissionCorrection v1


ApplyTransmissionCorrection dialog.


Apply a transmission correction to 2D SANS data.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Workspace to apply the transmission correction to
TransmissionWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace   Workspace containing the transmission values [optional]
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Workspace to store the corrected data in
TransmissionValue Input number Optional Transmission value to apply to all wavelengths. If specified, TransmissionWorkspace will not be used.
TransmissionError Input number 0 The error on the transmission value (default 0.0)
ThetaDependent Input boolean True If true, a theta-dependent transmission correction will be applied.


The transmission can be given as a MatrixWorkspace or given directly as numbers. One or the other method must be used.

See SANS Reduction documentation for details.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | SANS | CorrectionFunctions\TransmissionCorrections