Executes the HFIR SANS reduction workflow according to the options set by
Those options are saved in a PropertyManager object that is passed through ReductionProperties.
The workflow proceeds as follows:
- Execute the beam finder algorithm. Usually SANSBeamFinder.
- Load the data to be reduced, usually with HFIRLoad,
which will move the detector to the right position.
- Subtract the dark current, usually with HFIRDarkCurrentSubtraction.
- Normalize the data, usually with HFIRSANSNormalise.
- Mask detector pixels as appropriate, usually with SANSMask.
- Apply the solid angle correction, usually with SANSSolidAngleCorrection.
- Apply the sensitivity correction, usually with SANSSensitivityCorrection.
When applicable, a separate beam center position can be determined for the sensitivity data.
- Compute and apply the transmission correction, usually with SANSDirectBeamTransmission.
When applicable, a separate beam center position can be determined for the transmission data.
- Repeat steps 2 to 8 for the background run, then subtract the background from the sample data.
- Perform the absolute scaling, usually with SANSAbsoluteScale.
- Perform any geometrical correction, which is usually a call to NormaliseByThickness.
- Perform the I(Q) calculation with SANSAzimuthalAverage1D.
- Perform the I(Qx,Qy) calculation with EQSANSQ2D
(This is not a typo. This algorithm is used for both HFIR SANS and EQSANS).
- Save the I(Q) output using SaveAscii
and using SaveCanSAS1D.
- Save the I(Qx,Qy) output using SaveNISTDAT.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Workflow\SANS\UsesPropertyManager