Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | |
Binning | InOut | dbl list | 0,0,0 | Positive is linear bins, negative is logarithmic |
NumberOfBins | Input | number | 100 | Number of Q bins to use if binning is not supplied |
LogBinning | Input | boolean | False | Produce log binning in Q when true and binning wasn’t supplied |
AlignWithDecades | Input | boolean | False | If True and log binning was chosen, the Q points will be aligned with Q decades |
NumberOfSubpixels | Input | number | 1 | Number of sub-pixels per side of a detector pixel: use with care |
ErrorWeighting | Input | boolean | False | Backward compatibility option: use with care |
ComputeResolution | Input | boolean | False | If true the Q resolution will be computed |
ReductionProperties | Input | string | __sans_reduction_properties | Property manager name for the reduction |
OutputWorkspace | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | I(q) workspace |
NumberOfWedges | Input | number | 2 | Number of wedges to calculate |
WedgeAngle | Input | number | 30 | Angular opening of each wedge, in degrees |
WedgeOffset | Input | number | 0 | Angular offset for the wedges, in degrees |
OutputMessage | Output | string | Output message |
Compute I(q) for reduced SANS data. This algorithm is rarely called directly. It is called by HFIRSANSReduction or EQSANSAzimuthalAverage1D.
This algorithm will gather the relevant information necessary to perform the I(Q) calculation. This information includes:
After this information is gathered, the Q1DWeighted algorithm is called.
If ComputeResolution was set to True, the ReactorSANSResolution is called.
Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Workflow\SANS\UsesPropertyManager