Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | |
NumberOfBins | Input | number | 100 | Number of Q bins to use if binning is not supplied |
LogBinning | Input | boolean | False | Produce log binning in Q when true and binning wasn’t supplied |
IndependentBinning | Input | boolean | True | If true and frame skipping is used, each frame will have its own binning |
ScaleResults | Input | boolean | True | If true and frame skipping is used, frame 1 will be scaled to frame 2 |
ComputeResolution | Input | boolean | True | If true the Q resolution will be computed |
SampleApertureDiameter | Input | number | 10 | Sample aperture diameter [mm] |
ReductionProperties | Input | string | __sans_reduction_properties | Property manager name for the reduction |
OutputWorkspace | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | I(q) workspace |
OutputMessage | Output | string | Output message |
Compute I(q) for reduced EQSANS data. This algorithm is rarely called directly. It is called by SANSReduction.
This workflow algorithm takes into account whether the data was acquired in frame-skipping mode or not.
Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Workflow\SANS\UsesPropertyManager
Python: EQSANSAzimuthalAverage1D.py