Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | InOut | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Name the workspace to calculate the resolution for |
ReducedWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | I(Q) workspace |
OutputBinning | Input | dbl list | Mandatory | |
MinWavelength | Input | number | Optional | Minimum wavelength to use. |
MaxWavelength | Input | number | Optional | Maximum wavelength to use. |
PixelSizeX | Input | number | 5.15 | Pixel size in the X direction (mm). |
PixelSizeY | Input | number | 5.15 | Pixel size in the Y direction (mm). |
SampleApertureRadius | Input | number | 5 | Sample aperture radius (mm). |
SourceApertureRadius | Input | number | 10 | Source aperture radius (mm). |
DeltaT | Input | number | 250 | TOF spread (microsec). |
This algorithm extends the TOFSANSResolution to implement the experimentally determined TOF resolution for EQSANS.
The Q resolution for a TOF SANS has two components: a geometrical contribution and a contributions from the resolution in TOF.
The TOF resolution for EQSANS was measured to be:
where λ is the wavelength and
This algorithm is generally not called directly. It’s called by EQSANSAzimuthalAverage1D after the calculation of I(Q). It can only be applied to an I(Q) workspace.
Categories: AlgorithmIndex | SANS