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SANSMask v1


SANSMask dialog.

Table of Contents


Apply mask to SANS detector


Name Direction Type Default Description
Facility Input string SNS Facility to which the SANS instrument belongs. Allowed values: [‘SNS’, ‘HFIR’]
Workspace InOut MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Workspace to apply the mask to
MaskedDetectorList Input long list   List of detector IDs to be masked
MaskedEdges Input long list 0,0,0,0 Number of pixels to mask on the edges: X-low, X-high, Y-low, Y-high
MaskedComponent Input string   Component Name to mask Edges or Front/Back. Consult the IDF!
MaskedFullComponent Input string   Component Name to mask ALL of it. Consult the IDF!
MaskedSide Input string None Side of the detector to which to apply the mask. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Front’, ‘Back’]
OutputMessage Output string   Output message
MaskedWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   Workspace to copy the mask from; is passed straight to MaskDetectors


Apply a mask to a SANS detector. This workflow algorithm will apply any mask that was saved in the logs by the reduction UI. It can also apply a mask to the edge of the detectors according to whether we are dealing with EQSANS or a HFIR SANS.

This algorithm is rarely called directly. It is called by SANSReduction or HFIRSANSReduction.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Workflow\SANS