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CNCSSuggestTIB v1


CNCSSuggestTIB dialog.


Suggest possible time independent background range for CNCS.

See Also


This algorithm is also known as: SuggestTibCNCS


Name Direction Type Default Description
IncidentEnergy Input number Mandatory Incident energy (0.5 to 50 meV)
TibMin Output number    
TibMax Output number    


Suggest possible time independent background range for CNCS. It works for incident energy range from 0.5 to 50 meV. By default TibMax is 500 microseconds before the neutrons arrive at the sample, and TibMin is 3400 microseconds before Tibmax. This range is moved around if a prompt pulse is in this interval, or it goes below the TOF frame minimum, or it can be reduced to 2400 microseconds.



incidentEnergy = 3
(tibMin,tibMax) = CNCSSuggestTIB(incidentEnergy)
print("Incident Energy = %i, tibMin = %.2f, tibMax = %.2f" % (incidentEnergy,tibMin,tibMax))

incidentEnergy = 1
(tibMin,tibMax) = CNCSSuggestTIB(incidentEnergy)
print("Incident Energy = %i, tibMin = %.2f, tibMax = %.2f" % (incidentEnergy,tibMin,tibMax))


Incident Energy = 3, tibMin = 44914.92, tibMax = 47314.92
Incident Energy = 1, tibMin = 95621.15, tibMax = 99021.15

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Inelastic\Utility