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ConvertHFIRSCDtoMDE v1


ConvertHFIRSCDtoMDE dialog.


Convert from the detector vs scan index MDHistoWorkspace into a MDEventWorkspace with units in Q_sample.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input IMDHistoWorkspace Mandatory An input workspace.
Wavelength Input number Mandatory Wavelength
MinValues Input dbl list -10,-10,-10 It has to be 3 comma separated values, one for each dimension in q_sample.Values smaller then specified here will not be added to workspace.
MaxValues Input dbl list 10,10,10 A list of the same size and the same units as MinValues list. Values higher or equal to the specified by this list will be ignored
SplitInto Input int list 5 A comma separated list of into how many sub-grid elements each dimension should split; or just one to split into the same number for all dimensions. Default 5.
SplitThreshold Input number 1000 How many events in a box before it should be split. Default 1000.
MaxRecursionDepth Input number 20 How many levels of box splitting recursion are allowed. The smallest box will have each side length l = (extents) / (SplitInto^{MaxRecursionDepth}). Default 20.
ObliquityParallaxCoefficient Input number 1 Geometrical correction for shift in vertical beam position due to wide beam.
OutputWorkspace Output MDEventWorkspace Mandatory An output workspace.


This algorithm will convert the output of LoadWANDSCD v1 or the autoreduced data from DEMAND (HB3A) into a MDEventWorkspace in Q-sample, where every pixel at every scan point is converted to a MDEvent. This is similar to ConvertWANDSCDtoQ v1 except that it doesn’t histogram the data or do normalization. FindPeaksMD v1 can be run on the output Q sample space, then the UB can be found and used to then convert to HKL using ConvertWANDSCDtoQ v1 . IntegratePeaksMD v2 will also work on the output of this algorithm.


Example - ConvertHFIRSCDtoMDE

LoadWANDSCD(IPTS=7776, RunNumbers='26640-27944', OutputWorkspace='data',Grouping='4x4')



Categories: AlgorithmIndex | MDAlgorithms\Creation