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CorelliCalibrationApply v1


CorelliCalibrationApply dialog.


Apply Corelli calibration results onto input workspace


Name Direction Type Default Description
Workspace InOut MatrixWorkspace Mandatory CORELLI workspace to calibrate
CalibrationTable Input TableWorkspace Mandatory TableWorkspace containing calibration table


Update the CORELLI instrument geometry with calibration data stored in a predefined calibration table workspace. The current inputs are:

  • Workspace: EventWorkspace generated from CORELLI instrument
  • CalibrationTable: TableWorkspace with predefined layout.

The calibration table must have the following columns

  • ComponentName: name of each component in the CORELLI instrument
  • Xposition, Yposition, Zposition: these three columns specify the absolute translation in the calibration for each component
  • XdirectionCosine, YdirectionCosine, ZdirectionCosine: these three columns specify the rotation axis (direction cosione) for each component
  • RotationAngle: the absolute rotation angle in degrees for each component

Applying the calibration involves the following steps:

  • translate each component by (Xposition, Yposition, Zposition)
  • rotate each component by RotationAngle degrees around rotation axis (directionCosine, YdirectionCosine, ZdirectionCosine)


  • Example - move bank42 (perpendicular to x-axis) 180 around y-axis
# import mantid algorithms, numpy and matplotlib
from mantid.simpleapi import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# setting up a mocked calibration table
calitable = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace()

headers = [
    "Xposition", "Yposition", "Zposition",
    "XdirectionCosine", "YdirectionCosine", "ZdirectionCosine", "RotationAngle",
datatypes = ["str"] + ["double"]*7

for dt, hd in zip(datatypes, headers):
    calitable.addColumn(dt, hd)

calitable.addRow(["bank42/sixteenpack", 0., 0, 0., 0,1,0,180])  # move to (0,0,0) and rotate to (0,1,0)@180degree

# laod emptry instrument
ws_original = LoadEmptyInstrument("CORELLI_Definition.xml")
ws_calibrated = ConvertToEventWorkspace(ws_original)

# apply the calibration to ws
CorelliCalibrationApply(ws_calibrated, calitable)  # in-place operation

The original instrument view

original layout of CORELLI instrument

and the calibrated instrument view (notice one panel is moved to the center and rotate to (0,1,0)@180 degree)

calirated layout of CORELLI instrument

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Diffraction\Calibration