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LeadPressureCalc v1


LeadPressureCalc dialog.


Find the pressure of a sample given the dSpacing of the lead peak at 111.


Name Direction Type Default Description
DSpacing Input number 2.8589 Position of (111) reflection in dSpacing
T Input number 300 Sample temperature in K
TargetPressure Input number 0 Optional: search for (111) position for a given pressure (GPa) and temperature, leave at default value to disable.
OutputWorkspace Output TableWorkspace LeadPressureCalcResults Name of Output Table workspace holding the values


This algorithm uses Equations of state for Lead (111) to calculate the pressure of a given sample. The required inputs are the dSpacing (A) of the Lead (111) Bragg peak and the reference temperature (K).

Optionally, a further input of Target pressure (GPa) can be given, which will find the corresponding dSpacing for the pressure at the provided reference temperature.



from mantid.simpleapi import LeadPressureCalc

LeadPressureCalc(dSpacing=2.85, T=312, TargetPressure=0.0043)


The Equations of State and fit parameters used in this calculation can be found in:

Fortes, A. D. (2019). A revised equation of state for in situ pressure determination using fcc-Pb (0 < P < 13 GPa, T > 100 K)

RAL Technical Report, RAL-TR-2019-002 #

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Diffraction\Calibration